Bixby New Home Builders | Top of the line company
Bixby New Home Builders | Top of the line company
Hello, this is brad naifeh. We are now on podcast number 5 and session 3 January, 18th, 2018 and I homes that we have had four different versions of the park wood. We have the talk with h, which is 2623 square feet, that is a two-story homes, and so that’s a one down to up the masters down on all four of them. But the half bath also downstairs so they’re in the park wood. L is 2894 square feet in the park via 2848 and then our final park. What is the park with x, which is 3081 square feet, are 5 bedroom home? If you want to go to that way, so we’re going to go into the park with a one master down, and then you get the two bedrooms so the park with h, as I mentioned, Bixby New Home Builders it is 2623 square feet. So we can just talk about that. A little bit later, you’re going to walk to the entry for sure this lovely porch said:9, ft long Porsche by 5 feet wide and right when you all can is the study which is 13 ft 3 in by 11 ft 5 in and it is bolted. How are some people make that their dining room as well either way it’s a beautiful look. I put some crown molding on there paint that room, an accent. Color looks great, so you walk back out and go in this large entry area, and that’s where your coat closet is then all saw your powder bathroom is right. Next, to that coat closet before you get to the entry before you get to the the stairs when you get to the stairs obvious, Bixby New Home Builders even going to take you up and we’ll go upstairs in just a second, but let’s finish off the downstairs, so you’re walking in past the stairs-and you got your great room that is size-is 14 feet, 11 inches by 19, ft 5 in size, three big, windows corner, fireplace beautiful setup to the left, is entry to your master bedroom off the back side of the mall walk in kind of a big closet with five shells in it. Then you go into you turn right and go into your vaulted ceiling.
Master bedroom, 13, ft 3 wide by 16 ft 1 inch deep to great size room, which leads you into your master bathroom, which is a wonderful size, got a 48 inch 42 inch shower nice bathtub. Then you got double vanity. He has two sinks on one side:big mirror on that wall. Above so you can really tell that I’m by the way that the park was a 9-foot white line, all the way through out, which is really important so for the master bath and you go to the master closet, there’s so much storage in there. It’s unreal what they do with that. We go back out to the great room and then we’re going to go into the kitchen and says you walking kitchen 3 wide as the nook is too. Bixby New Home Builders But the kitchen is 15 ft 10 in long and then look as 13 ft 1 inch to that. So that’s that’s a 28-foot kitchen, nook combo that you have there, and so it’s really large kitchen nook area at one of the largest. It will have a shot home. Now you can vaulted ceilings if you like, depending what you do upstairs. So it’s just maybe can do only the milk. It just depends. So what you got then and just typical set up and then you, as you, walk out of the kitchen you go into the utility room, but that-and you told him that little hallway first, you got a pantry. That’s under the stairs and outside of the outside wall there. So you know the good nice l-shaped pantry crossing, that is the laundry room really good size, 6 feet wide by 9 feet, 7 ron shelf in there, and you got utility room with the perfect part of that for the my bitch to fit in just fine. So that’s all you’re downstairs that leaves out to your garage in your garage. Bixby New Home Builders Is a nice 3 car garage with the third car being dumped out so I decide to go upstairs and to show you I saw homes is the best jinx home builder, this floor plans very versatile. So what we have here now they got the stairs and to the landing area and you’re going to land right in front of a large large coat storage closet.
But if you didn’t go the other direction you going to walk in to what we say is bedroom number three, you just 10 foot 8 by 10, ft, 5 good for baby the thing about the park with that I love. Every single bedroom has a walk in closet with the light. You don’t see that anymore again, it’s something that separates shaw homes for all the other jinx home builders out there so where adam will get out of bed. When you go down the long landing area and then you’ll have your bathroom or actually it’s an attic space over the garage is a door there. If you don’t utilize, those extra runs so on the three bedroom home that you just buy past that and then you had this nice look below that. Bixby New Home Builders You can laugh so look below spread the number to the end of it. So it’s a full bath. So it’s got a two and a half bath was one half down one up and then I promise you one of the biggest upstairs bath. I bet. If she wants it any model plan for us a better number to 13 feet, 8 inches by 14, ft 3 in huge walk-in closet as well. So that’s that better! Then you go up some stairs to the game. Room which is just giant is 14 ft, 11 in by 19 ft 5 in three great windows that look out that another can open up and I overlooked in your backyard. So it’s too late for plan and a little bit of us go to the to the park wood v which basically, as another bedroom, Bixby New Home Builders upstairs or downstairs or identical in all these. So this is going to add a bedroom upstairs and then it’s going to add square footage of 2848 some dancers of the same. What it did, though, when you walk up the stairs now you that linen closet as and then you’re the first bedroom, better number 3 bedroom number for adds to the right of it and so the pantry.
So you got kind of a closet linen closet, so you get the closets in between the bed. One thing that I did notice on this is that we move the bathroom, so we have bathroom number 2 now as you’re going down that hallway with better than one bathroom in this model, closer to the bedrooms, 3 and 4 and then bedroom to his kind of like by itself. So that’s really! The only difference is better number for sad and it’s a 10 foot 8 by 11 foot, 7 huge walk-in closet. Then you have a door in between that and the bed bathrooms at least you out to your attic space. So that’s over the garage, and so that’s that floor plan now I want to talk to you about the l and all the elders is put that other bathroom in. Bixby New Home Builders So that’s the only change the original bathroom to goes back to his space bathroom 3r. Now, with the better number for bedroom one big game, two baths upstairs one and a half bath downstairs saw this one here is a great floor plan people walk through the never. They think it’s 32 33 of space in his floor plan of the final x, which is 3081 square feet, so we kept both bathrooms upstairs we’ve added a 5th bedroom or the bonus room over the garage. It’s a 10 foot 7 by 12, ft 6 room has a huge closet in it. So it takes away the attic, Bixby New Home Builders though you don’t have any attic space, but that’s okay. You got to see that room. Your extra run beautiful floor plan square footage again is only 3081. I can pass for 33 to 3400 no problem, so that is the park wood series of palms. You got four different versions ranging from like 2631 and that’s why I think this is a plan. If your lot is narrow and you are small in the back. It’s one of those more straight up and down and I would check out the park with family of homes with shaw homes. This is January 18th, 2018, 5/4
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