Bixby New Homes | Beautiful Homes
Bixby New Homes | Beautiful Homes
Hi, this is brad naifeh on January 18th, 2018 session 3 podcast 3 tonight, and talk about the monroe three floor plan in the other floor plan after that talking about jinx home builders and why shaw’s one of the best builders to build with out in jenks I want to go over the square footage of the monroe three-family starting out. The single-story is 2112 square feet. Bixby New Homes If you choose that 3e that is 2912 square feet, 4, bedroom home there, the monroe three single story, 3 bedroom, with 2 full baths and then out of sorts of 3 full baths. The monroe 3h is 3,000 117 and the monroe 3i is 3003 79 and then the monroe 3p. What’s a two-story home three bedrooms, study or office or dining everyone call big game room and is 2658 square feet. So that’s that’s. The square footage will start 03 single store on pull that up real, quick as being one of those home builders out that has been around the longest. What you’re looking for is quality diversification and then you design in the home that you want your dream home so to speak. So 12 square foot floor plan the only downfall to the monroe three single store in the monroe to it doesn’t fit too many neighborhoods in the jinx area. We’ll talk about that has three in the tune. One year, Bixby New Homes the same nice front entrance and with that same room on the left hand, side, which week are the dining room but where the office used to be in the monroe one and you can access it through the entry there we’ve made that the third bedroom and under the stairs the closet is for that bed and you enter from the hallway a betta gone down the hall ever been into and out of the second bathroom in so really a nice designed. What this allows you to do is get the walkthrough to the garage.
You walk right into utility laundry room utility room. Only, it’s not laundry, really good size utility room into the hallway utility room and hallway is bedrooms. 2, bedrooms, 3 and also bathroom number 2 is tucked away in the corner. There was cold in that hallway on the other side of the hall, and there is no laundry room and then from the laundry room you can walk right into the master closet to the master, bathroom master, bedroom change clothes get ready that company in the front room. You never have to look at them, pictures of undress and cleaned up all the same time and and then you don’t get ready to go out and meet your patio, which is the same size, 26 book, Bixby New Homes three-in-one I’m, almost by 10, ft and depth of the great room, shoes and your master bedroom source for plants on the difference between the three in the and the two for the bedroom three years, and then that also means because we’re better through there with office used to be in his garage, is pushed out 10, which gives you extra story behind that. If that is something you want to do so that’s three other similar to what the other ones I want to talk to you about square foot. 03 in mention earlier is 2009-12. Are there is a 4th bedroom upstairs the bathroom? Is there and then you get the big game room also just like the monroe 1e and the tuohy, the upstairs as the same size, 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1, big game, room and assistant for plan for 3117 square feet garage the 3i that one there has the bonus room over the garage again as well with 300 square feet is 3379 additional square footage and that has that big bonus room over the garage, you’ll love, it.
That way, both of them and looks like and then the last talked about some monroe three p, as in paul, that’s 2658, a two-story bedroom. How to sort of square feet is easy to see why sha hoses as the best jinx home builder out there. In the end, the gpm, the monroes, are most popular call. The want and I to the only difference, monterey to and jinx it, but one if I remember correctly, like 24 I pulled up to monterey where’d, you go single sore 2446. That’s it right there I’m going to let him pull up 2446 at the monterey want the monterey to bigger than that. We’ll talk about that little bit later, but the monterey one, and that is the class, see how right they building the new design for the upstairs and i. Bixby New Homes Don’t know if they’re, not those right there when you got the timber creek and you look at that. Email and you’ll be out of school soon, neighbor that shaw is in and then again so we go to the front entrance of the portion. You walk into your entering the right immediately off on the left is are studying at is a vaulted ceiling by the studies, good size, 12 9 by 10:11 or so so good about it. We do put a full size closet in there. So if you want to make that the 4th bedroom, you very simply easily could design put a half bath in the scorpion, and so we did. We have a powder bath right there off the entry going into the great room. But then, if you look to your right, it’s an open as a column that that kind of we need for support. But it’s an open, dining room. Lamp note the Wallace button up against the great room and the wall. Bixby New Homes That’s an entry doors are open and that’s 12 foot 7 by 11-foot once in a great size for dining room, also has ax and, and then you know, so we can go to the utility room in the garage. So that’s you can enter from the garage. It does have the walkthrough to get to the master bedroom. You can go through the closet, master closet into the master bath or you can just go down the hallway either way it is separate, is a split home.
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