Edmond Home Builders | a Step Ahead of Everybody Else
To manage every single tiny step in building a new home, Edmond Home Builders committed to a home production software package of immense proportions. As the saying goes “what you can’t measure you can’t manage”. We took this to heart and learn more than we thought possible after building new homes for over 30+ years. We focus on our customers perspective for everything and we believe that every company in the world should try this perspective as well. With an incredible amount of past customer experience to draw on, our team went to work looking at everything through the buyers eyes, and a new age ability excellence was ushered in to stay.
Edmond Home Builders is committed to customer excellence 100%. The process of building a new home is complicated for the builder, but rarely do builders think of how complicated and involved it could be for the buyer every step of the construction schedule of the home is most likely foreign to the average person. Just about everyone has heard of framing at home, but what they don’t know is the process, the massive amount of information, and all the choices that go into beforehand. We take in the complicated and overwhelming and created a process we call “you are to your new Shaw home”for every one of our buyers and that simplifies it all.
This should be complicated for us, Edmond Home Builders, as it’s our job to look at every detail. This should be a comfortable process for the people buying our homes, because for them, it’s an adventure. For most, it’s their dream home process. It’s something they’ve thought about for years or decades, and now it’s time for those thoughts become a reality. We really simplified it and send it off the rough edges to make it more about the journey of loss about the sweat. The Shaw homes path is the result of considerable time and effort. It serves as a guide for every fire that works for the company to achieve their new home goals, telling them what to expect for every step along the way. It’s simple. It takes the mystery out of our process. Our customers know what to expect, when to expect it, and go in with open eyes and full confidence. We want the people we serve to be comfortable as they move from one step, to the next.
Our clients wanted choices, so choices they were given. Shaw homes currently offers 83 for plans. More than enough to fit the tastes of just about any homebuyer. Add to the mix the ability to customize each floorplan with an offering of over 440,000 pre-priced options and their custom design studio. We are successful in creating an environment of customer satisfaction through personal choices.
To reach reach out to us at anytime if you have any comments, questions, or concerns. We are always happy to help. You can either give us a call at 918-688-5660 or 405-896-0333, or check out our online website shawhomes.com. We look forward to working with you in making your custom dream home into a reality.
Edmond Home Builders
Edmond Home Builders utilizes the Shaw homes path, which is a result of considerable time and effort. It serves as a guide for every buyer that works with the company to achieve their new home goals, telling them what to expect for every step along the way. It’s simple really. It takes out all the mystery of the process. Our customers know what to expect, when to expect it, and go in with open eyes and feel confident. We want the people we serve to be comfortable as they move from one step on the path to the next, and we help them to be comfortable by making sure they understand what’s coming up next.
The first step on the path is the Edmond Home Builders model home tour. With the most furnished and decorated homes of any new home builder in the area, we offer all of our guests the ability to join us on a tour of our award-winning model homes. Always putting ourselves in the customer shoes, we decided to create an environment of information sharing rather than sales pressure. And after touring 6 to 12 model homes, if you’re interested in purchasing a home, we go to the next step of helping you get financially qualified, if you haven’t done so yourself. Our system is perfect for the experience homebuyer in the first-time buyer. Everything is in its place, and there is a place for everything. It almost looks like a little game. But you can’t take any shortcuts and having a home built.
The Edmond Home Builders design studio reaches out to each buyer after they’ve completed the purchase agreement in a meeting is set. Boasting not only one, but two award-winning designers, the Shaw homes design studio is the largest of any company building new homes in the state. Our first step towards the customer experience was to invest in the selection processes and open our design studio. It was important for us to eliminate the immense amount of time the old ways took, and replace it with a streamlined, informed, and comfortable way of making choices. We take out the household having to go to 20 different warehouses to pick out all of your pictures we are your one stop shop for everything. Plus, we offer expert advice so you know you’re in good hands.
By this point in the relationship between us and our clients, it’s clear that this is about more than just a house. Our buyers refer their friends and family to us, and every time it happens, we take a complement to heart. We have experienced thousands of customers come into this company in search of their next home, and we take on every project with the knowledge that what we do has a huge impact on a customer’s lives. Faith, family, and finances all come together under the roofs of homes. Having a hand and that is something special.
We look to start working with you in making your custom dream home into reality. Please feel free to reach out to us at any time if you having comments, questions, or concerns. You can either give us a call at 918-688-5660 or 405-896-0333, or check us out online at our website shawhomes.com you can also find all over for plans, our information, testimonials of satisfied clients, and a gallery with a few of our past projects.
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Tulsa: (918) 731-3280
OKC: (405) 241-5257