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Edmond New Homes Oklahoma | Shout For Joy

Edmond New Homes Oklahoma | Say It Together

Okay, so one of the things that I would say, if you’re looking for a broken arrow custom home, you want to check out show homes.com. Edmond New Homes Oklahoma One of the things that I love about shaw homes is you’re able to just do everything that you could possibly want to do in a new home.


one of the things that we love is broken Arrow, custom homes. You’re able to do everything you could possibly want a new home and more so shaw custom homes, Edmond New Homes Oklahoma. We’re the builder of choice. And um, I would just say out of all of the builders in this town, we’re probably the only one that’s going to be able to offer you everything that we do new home. There’s a lot of people that will, they have pricing and they promised one thing, but we just don’t have any competition with the way that we’re priced.


Ciao. Custom homes is one thing that we’re proud of doing. So if you’re looking for broken Arrow custom homes and you just don’t know which builder where, um, just going to be one of the best things that you could possibly do. So broken Arrow, custom homes, shaw homes.com or the builder of choice. Edmond New Homes Oklahoma uh, I honestly love being able to show people what we have to offer and a new home because a lot of times I really just don’t even have an idea. There are so many things that make up so we just always try to find a little bit of something for everything.


one of the things that we absolutely love is just being able to take that hour and a half timeframe and just show people everything that we could do in a new home. And a lot of people they have, they’ve shopped around. Let me just stop for sure what they’re going to do or when they’re going to do it. Some people will even tell you Edmond New Homes Oklahoma


I don’t know. Some people will even tell you, hey, we’re not in the, we’re not in the place to purchase a home, but we’re definitely going to figure out which floor plan we’re going to do until then. And a lot of people don’t realize if they get in Edmond New Homes Oklahoma

and they,

you know, are waiting even a year for a home, they’ll definitely want to take our model home tour and find what they can do today because even one years time they’re going to wind up paying a lot more money for the same house. So, Edmond New Homes Oklahoma,


a lot of times, or they’re not saving anything by waiting, but they’re actually gonna wind up costing them more because about every year or homes go up about three percent. So, um, everything that we could possibly do we’re going to do Edmond New Homes Oklahoma

and, um, you know,

being at Shaw homes and doing what we can do, I would just say it’s a time for, you know, show me around and showing you what you can do.

But, uh,

I would just say, go, you know, sign up for a model home tour. Let us show you why we’re considered telesis builder of choice and just let us show you everything that we can do in a new home for you and your family. I’m one of the things we take pride ourself is that we are, we’re a custom builder that nobody else can compare to. So if you’re looking for broken Arrow custom homes and you just need to find something that’s a good,


floorplanner choice for you and your family, then I would just go ahead and find that and you know, Edmond New Homes Oklahoma let people be able to pick a plan and do the things I want. And a lot of times you know, our tours, they’ll start and finish in about 90 minutes so that you can see all the plans that would work great for your house. And then really it’s up to you to execute it and figure out which plan is a favorite within 48 hours. Our second baby with you really to do a price out where we can price out your home with all of your wishlist in mine. And this will also give you an opportunity to take out things that maybe you don’t even want to get the price down and that’s always helped people. And that’s really why we call it the wish list. Just a bunch of items that you might consider putting me in that you see in the model.

We don’t really go over anything else that’s outside of the model or what you don’t see on that plan. All of those things you would do in the design center, but for the most part 28 Churchill world warranty to your own lifetime and, uh, on plumbing and electric in lifetime on the roof, which is the rafters. And there’s just not any other builder town that builds a quality build and builds the best for the many other than shaw homes. I mean, even our offsite builds, Edmond New Homes Oklahoma we don’t have any comparison and boy do quite a bit of offsite builds. But one of the things I love is, um, you know, just showing people our model home tours and showed them what we have to offer. A lot of people are, most people for that matter, they can’t really just walk around and see a piece of paper.

They really got to walk through the plan and see would that play in function best for their home, their lifestyle and and also look at the plan and see, you know, if there are any custom changes to be made, we can find out if they can do those and get them a price and we’ll always have a little bit of something for everybody. Our plans start in, the one says sixties and they go on up, so it just depends on area and location that you want. If you’re looking for broken or your own custom homes are so many great Edmond New Homes Oklahoma and neighborhoods that you wouldn’t even believe possible that would be

available for you to build in a. Some of my favorite homes in broken arrow. Going to be those that just have a just such a great, great look and feel. Matter of fact, I have a real estate agent and going out this weekend and shown some of our homes and oh my gosh, they’re just going to be so great to see everything that they could want to see in their budget and more and one of the things that I love about Shaw custom homes or broken Arrow custom homes is when you’re looking in the broken area, there’s not a whole lot to choose from. It’s either builders that had been there for a long time. They don’t build custom. It’s builders that have been there a short amount of time and they definitely don’t do customs. I do a lot of one first time home buyer stuff, but I think even in the years, even now, our Manchester beats out all the others, Edmond New Homes Oklahoma but if you’re looking for a broken arrow custom home and you just need to find, you know, a builder of choice and you want to be able to pick your own, well that’s fine.

You can pick your own. We don’t really care as long as the integrity of the home stays. The same at our builders are going to build the actual house and everything in it. Then you’ll be able to find everything that you’re looking for in a home Edmond New Homes Oklahoma.


one thing that I love is about broken Arrow custom homes is you kinda go to one place and you pick everything out. So our lender, his lender of choice, but Edmond New Homes Oklahoma

uh, he is

one of the nicest guys you’d ever meet. So if you’re looking for a broken arrow, custom homes and you just haven’t found your home yet, I would highly suggest you come in and find a broken arrow, custom home and make it your own. Personalize it or do whatever you need to do. But if you’re looking for broken Arrow, custom homes and you fought, you want to find out exactly what to do in your new home. Then I would say, call me. I’ve got 11 years of experience with Shaw homes and three and a half years experience with another. So I promise you, I’ll make sure that you have a great time and have fun while you’re looking at homes and just know that you’re going to be confident in what you pick with shaw homes. So broken Arrow, custom homes, shaw homes.com, or on the 10 year warranty to your own plumbing and electric lifetime on the riff. So come check us out, show homes.com and thank you for listening. So goodbye.


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