Edmond New Homes Oklahoma | The Formal Dining
Edmond New Homes Oklahoma | Eating Around The Table
Shaw homes, custom homes, broken Arrow, one of the floor plans that we have is called the monroe. Now the monroe, we have 15 different versions of this particular floor plan ranging from 2100 square feet all the way up to almost a 3,700 square feet custom homes. Reckon Arrow, you can do a one level three bedroom, two bath, three car garage to a five bedroom, three bath, three car garage, a game room, and a bonus room. Custom homes Edmond New Homes Oklahoma The thing about the monroe is that we’ve got three different versions of the first floor. Now on the versions of the first floor, you couldn’t do a lot of different varieties such as where the room placements are and eliminating a room. The Monroe one features both a formal dining and an office on the Monroe too. We eliminate the office and you can utilize the formal dining as an office instead
on the Monroe three where the office would be, we now relocated bedroom number three to the front of the house. All the room sizes will stay the same on all of them. In Ro plants. It’s just a matter of where certain rooms may be located or eliminating of around. We may even flip flops. Certain aspects of the house. For instance, on the Monroe one, you have a bathroom number two located on the other side of the master closet, Edmond New Homes Oklahoma and the utility room is off of the garage on the men row two and three, we have flip flop those two items, so the laundry room is now located by the master closet, which gives you access to the laundry room and the bathroom has now been relocated right outside of the garage custom homes, broken arrow. The great thing about them and row plan is that it also features the largest covered back patio. You have plenty of space for outdoor living and outdoor kitchen if you so desire. It also has the largest opening between your kitchen and the game room.
In my particular model, one of the features that we have done when it comes to the kitchen and the network is that we vaulted the ceilings and added four. I’m sorry, three gorgeous beams that are stained. Edmond New Homes Oklahoma You have tons of cabinet space in your kitchen.
In the very large island and Nerc, so for instance on them and row two, if you utilize the quote unquote formal dining as your office, your nook and bar space on the island will easily fit, I would say close to up to 15 people and you could probably do 10 people in the Nerc on a table and then probably up to five on the island just pending on barstool sizes, custom homes, broken arrow. A lot of the different features that we can also offer you is, for instance, stain concrete in your garage. We also have different options when it comes to flooring. We’ve got white oak, Hickory, walnut, for your real wood floors, and we have different levels of title. One of the popular themes that’s going on with our tile floors is the wood looking tile floors. We have a particular monroe located at village southern trails and Edmond New Homes Oklahoma where we feature the wood tile floors throughout the home and that tile is a level two custom homes. Broken Arrow lighting is definitely important as well, so you will get, have a lighting allowance, $1,500 for a one story in $2,000 lighting allowance for it. Two story you’re lining appointment will be made at Andrew’s lighting located here in broken arrow. If you go over your lighting allowance, then you’re just expected to pay Andrew’s lighting. If by chance you do go under your lighting allowance, Andrew’s lighting will let us know when we will deduct that price from the price of the home.
Another option that you have other than room placement is one of the things that we have done before is maybe bumping out that formal dining if you would like it larger than what it is, even though it is a very generous size, formal dining with vaulted ceilings and large windows in the front, custom homes, broken arrow. Another little feature that our families like to enjoy is maybe different things that you can do at the opening of a room. So for instance, in our office, we have French doors with glass windows. Um, you may want it barn doors installed on the formal, like I mentioned before, you have the option of vaulting out your kitchen and Nerc. Another great thing about all of our floor plans is that our fireplace is located in the corner. We have a closet located in the master bedroom hallway and the great thing about this closet is it’s a great closet to hydro electronics. If you’re wanting to mount your TV on the wall in the great room, it’s just a short distance between that primary walled in the closet. Edmond New Homes Oklahoma Another feature to this particular floor plan that a lot of people love is we have a storage closet located in,
across from the bathroom on the first main floor and it’s a very deep closet. It’s a great closet to maybe store some of your heavier items that you don’t want to take up to your attic. And in particular Christmas decorations and there’s even shelving on that wall. So maybe you would like to store games, movies, Edmond New Homes Oklahoma anything else on that? The shelves that’s on that located on the bottom of that. Um, hallway closet. We also use energy efficient windows on all of our floor plans.
In the model we have a sink in the laundry room, which is something that you can add on. Um, we have a my bench. Now. The mud bench will vary in size depending on a floor plan as well, because some floor plans, you’re just a little bit more limited on size of my bench that will fit. You can do a mud bench with cubbies and without cubbies. They all will have five hooks for jackets. The great thing about the cubbies as you can put little baskets in there so that way you can store your mittens and scarves. Hats for the winter or for just decorational pieces. In the laundry room, you will get a cabinet and a rack, which that rack is perfect to dry clothes on, clothes that you may not want to put in your dryer. You’ve got generous closets and all of your additional bedrooms in the model for the Monroe is thinks of the river and the master closet. Edmond New Homes Oklahoma We have vaulted the ceiling and added a seasonal racks on.
The hydraulic polls are really nice, so that way you don’t have to use one of those fishermen hooks or the department store hooks. It just has a handle that you just pull down and it locks into place and then you just barely tap it to make it go up. And that way you can keep all of your seasonal thick coats, heavy coats, hunting gear, things that you may not where I’m on a weekly basis. Store those up on top to free up your racks for the rest of your items that you do wear more often. You can add a mirror and a bench in the closet if you like, which has been another popular feature for customers and maybe an additional 10 light because the master closet is a very long master closet. Um, so if you wanted to add in additional can light just to produce more lighting in the master closet, that’s something we can do for you Edmond New Homes Oklahoma.
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