Edmond New Homes | See Our Design Studio
Shaw homes is one of the best design studios around. We believe that we are to be able to help you design your home to fit your family and your needs perfectly. Are able to you the perfect colors and the perfect style because of our great design studio. Can’t wait for you to work closely with our designers make sure that each and every single thing in your house is just like you like it. Where the best place to go for Edmond New Homes.
Our design studio is impulse as well as in the city. We believe there’s only so much that you can get from looking at something on the computer or just looking at a little color palette. To see the actual colors and finishes in person that is what our design studio is for. Spending all this money and time building a house and we do what you see the finished product is not have the exact color that you want. Was can make sure that we work as hard as we can give you exactly what you want. Make sure that you get all the structural and additional options that you are looking for. Come to us when you need to buy Edmond New Homes.
After the design studio that is when it’s time to review your plans with the construction manager. The construction manager is going to go over all your blueprints in detail with you to make sure that nothing is left out and get exactly what you are wanting. We take your opinions and your ideas seriously. Pages in the detail to make sure that we are happy with each and every single thing that we do. Our contracted mentors to reach out to you once a week to make sure that you are happy with was going on and keep you up-to-date with the construction process. We love to work with you and give you your perfect new home. We are the place to go for Edmond New Homes.
After you construction integer then it is time to get your house built. You can come to the construction sites anytime he’s always to keep up-to-date with you to make sure that you know what is going on. Once you home is 100% built then you’re going to meet with the quality control manager. You walk on the house with you and you guzzle both look for any defects or things that are completely to your liking. Make sure that you are fully satisfied with the house before we let you move in. The quality control manager will also make sure that you know exactly how everything in your house works and where everything is. We can’t wait for you to see your beautiful new home.
Good hitting on her website at https://shawhomes.com/ or 918-688-5660. If Sony houses to choose from we are always going to make sure that we put quality and every single thing that we do. We have a large selection of model homes in Tulsa and we have sown a different floor plans to choose from.
Where Are Some Great Edmond New Homes Construction?
Shaw homes has the largest floor plan collection any homebuilder in the area. Right now we have at least 63 plans to choose from. No matter what size or what type of home that you like we are the place to go because we can do anything that you need. One of our favorite homes is called the Delaware. The dealer is perfect size home for small family 1700 ft.² and has four bedrooms as well as two bathrooms in a two-car garage. People of the delivery because the one-story house which means that you don’t have two different forests keep up with and take care of. Come to us anytime you’re looking to buy Edmond New Homes.
Another house we have is called the Ellington. Ellington is 1884 ft.². Ellington has four excellent bathrooms as well as to bedrooms. If you want something a little bit bigger the perfect house would be the Hampton. Hampton S 3003 5 ft.². Can be a one-story house with three bedrooms and 3 1/2 bathrooms. This large house for a one-story house and is can be a great layout we promise you that. And have a great room is perfect for hosting people and in excellent kitchen so that you can enjoy each other’s company. It’s also going to have you can spend time with your family outside enjoying each other’s company. Come to us anytime you need Edmond New Homes.
We promise that we are always going to put quality above everything else when you get a Shaw home. We think Shaw homes is can be the best place to go because we are Tulsa’s largest homebuilder. We built thousands of homes and the process down to a tee. You to make sure that you feel comfortable and confident each step of the way because weirdos can become and what we are doing. We will someday homes that we know exactly how to do it and the most efficient and effective ways to do it. Our efficiencies can save you money in the long run because we know exactly what to do and how to do it as fast as possible all the while giving you high quality. This is why we’re place to go anytime you’re looking for Edmond New Homes.
If Sony has to choose from large to small. The liberty is 1032 ft.² and we have houses as big as over 5000 ft.². It was can the detail in only build with highest quality materials. Unit efficient process and people who know what they’re doing Shaw homes is the best place you can go to build your new home. The best things’s have you go on our model home to her. The model home to is gonna take you to all of our model homes and we have those model homes of anybody in the Tulsa area.
Go ahead and check out our website at https://shawhomes.com/ or 918-688-5660 so you can see exactly why we are Tulsa’s best homebuilder. Beginning to work with you and give you the perfect house for you and your family.
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Tulsa: (918) 731-3280
OKC: (405) 241-5257