Edmond New Homes | Weighing Pros and Cons
Edmond New Homes | Choosing Right
so here at Shaw homes, we’d like to definitely open up and reach out to all of the people in the Tulsa area, out of state, her moving in, ex pats, anybody who wants to come into Tulsa, we have understand that there’s a lot of twists out there when people are looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, and that when they’re looking for many options, they see that they do have quite a few builders they can select from as well as you know, used market for homes that possibly could fit their style, what they’re looking for. However, there are a lot of pros and cons depending on which you like as far as new homes or homes and when you’re looking for custom animals, Edmond New Homes you can find that there are a numerous amount of ideals of what people are wanting to get a home. And with a pre owned home it’s pretty hard to obtain all of those desires with the running of the home.
So it’s easier for us to consider the possibility of, you know, hey listen, we’re looking for specific things that we’re wanting in a home, let’s say location, floor plan, uh, and some of the amenities of the home that we want, the flow of the design and things of that nature. One of the best ways to do that is by building. And when people are looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, we understand they’re not always just looking at new homes. They also could very well be looking at pre owned homes, used homes as opportunities for them as well as not, you know, when people are looking for a new home, although they might love it. Edmond New Homes then I want it. There are great possibilities with that. Most people could think of with land and with a home sites being a in the area that they want and a used home being a possibility for them.
So we do understand that there’s that possibility. However, when you’re looking for custom homes, Edmond New Homes we understand you typically are looking for a set parameter of what you’re wanting. And it’s pretty difficult to find that it, he used home, there’s usually, you know, a handful of things that I used home that you don’t have control over like you do in a new home and with a used home, uh, you have a lot of issues with, you know, the age of a home and uh, you know, having a nest egg set aside to fix certain things, break. And that can be, if you of concern and issue, I would encourage you to say that, you know, if you’re looking for a new home, it is the best way to really get everything that you’re wanting and still have the peace of mind knowing that you’re not going to have a concern or issues with things that could break or bust because you’ll be under warranty.
So when you’re looking for custom homes, Edmond New Homes make sure you take the time to think about the considerations of, you know, are you going to have to worry about fixing an AC unit or replacing a sprinkler system or, you know, whatever issue a used home may have a foundational issue or um, you know, whatnot. When you’re building a new home and when you’re looking for custom home, you typically looking for the certain features. What’s great about a new home in comparison to accustom home? Uh, excuse me, I use Tomi said used to them. You’re going to be set with what it is and you’ll have to either buy it the way it is or it will have to understand that there’s renovations to be made. When a new home you choose, when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, you’ll find that the homes that you choose that are new, you can pick the floor plan, the location, what’s in the home.
You don’t have to have a different design from what you like. You build it the way you want it and that helps you with not having renovation cost and design changes and all that stuff because you don’t have to worry about it. It’s already done for you. You build it the way you want it. Now. Some of the big benefits of the differences are, you know, going to look for pre hotel possibly. Then you’re going to have to be concerned with, you know, higher mortgage insurance and you’re going to have to, uh, worry about, you know, renovation cost and have a, you know, money set aside for things that may break on the home, uh, with a new home. You don’t have those issues. So when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, a look at show homes, we have more options than any builder in Tulsa, which allows you the opportunity that if you are looking for a, a possibility for your home and he wouldn’t be at a certain area with a certain location, with a certain amount of amenities when you looking for custom homes, Edmond New Homes look no further than shaw homes because you will have the floor plan.
You want the location, you want, the options that you like. This really provides a benefit to all customers.
And, um, the, some of those benefits are going to be that, you know, you don’t have to worry about fixing things, changing things. And, uh, you get it from the moment you want, the way that you want. So also the price you want because you can control that depending on what you put in the home. So it’s really, uh, you know, building a new home when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, we understand that you have a lot of parameters you’re trying to meet and most use home we understands, don’t, Edmond New Homes, don’t really fit all those standards are not for the price point that you want. Anyway. So it’s concerning to think about that avenue is an approach. A lot of times customers will debate between used homes and new homes and when they ended up going into a used route, um, it does, you know, sometimes wreak havoc on the finances because later on when something breaks, if something breaks, when it does, you’re going to have to fix it.
And, uh, it’s nothing that’s covered in warranty. Whereas a new home, you get a piece of mind for a here, Shar homes, we have a 10 year structural warranty to your mechanical warranty, which is probably the biggest one that, that mechanical warranty is something that when those things break, you don’t have to worry about it. And then also the one year everything warranty, bumper to bumper essentially, um, which will cover everything craftsmanship wise, won’t cover plants or grass because he killed that. Um, but as far as the home itself and uh, wanting to have those things squared away and not have to have that concern in the back of your mind about, you know, if something breaks, Edmond New Homes I get to fix it because a home is um, you know, sometimes they call them money pits. Not saying that all homes are just saying that it is a possibility and it does come to fruition sometimes on homes that have been used for a few years.
So, um, it’s up to you. It’s your choice. And obviously that’s what we’re here to do is to help educate you and give you opportunity of selecting options that may fit you guys, um, you know, as customers and what you guys would like. But what we do do is, uh, we definitely opened up the possibility of all what your creative juices flow. Edmond New Homes we want it to the style, the floor, a floor plan, and the layout and the location as well. Something we do offer, you know, a big benefit to this is sometimes one of the biggest reasons when people are looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, when they do happen to be considering a used homes as well. A lot of the reason is simply because of the location and wanting to have something that is larger property closer into town. But here’s the great thing about here at Shaw homes, we can actually build what’s called an offsite and this offsite process allows you, when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow to look for land as well, and you can find this land that is a larger, let’s say, acre to four or five, 10, 20 acres closer in to the area in which you desire.
And a benefit in retrospect is that we’ll actually be able to build the floor plan and the minute he is in the home, the way that you want it so you can really get the best of both worlds. And that’s why building is so efficient, so effective, and it’s great to go down that avenue. Whereas it used home, although it may have some character to it, um, you do have some other concerns to, to, to consider. So there are a few different paths to go in, a few different types of choices to make for you and your family or just yourself, whatever place you find yourself, but when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, rest assured that we do have the most options. Now, Edmond New Homes all of this starts with what we call our model home tour and the model home tour is where we will actually, I’m an invite you along on a tour that we, that we take to all of our model homes across the Tulsa area and this allows us to show you all of the representations of what we offer to show you all the options and how we build them a until you the variations between them.
And we do these tours every weekend, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. You’re more than welcome to join in if you like. Our schedule is getting quite full because of the parade of homes coming up. Springtime. Everybody wants to be in their new home. And I started this process, so we encourage you to come join our model home tour and you can find that any of your nearest model homes for shock here, a scattered across all of Tulsa. If you have any curiosity where this community’s already go to show homes.com and you can check that out. But come speak to any of our new home specialist, any of our sales managers in those homes at any given time throughout the week. Edmond New Homes join us at our next available model home tour for you and your family to come see all of our pretty homes. But again, when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, look no further than shaw homes because we do have the most options, the most land of any builder in Tulsa.
And we do provide the most opportunity for you to search out what you’re really looking for in a home. Um, this really does equate itself to having the Best Bang for your buck to get exactly what you want. And you know, you’re investing your hard earned money into a home that’s will be for the longevity of however long you keep it. And it’s very important to understand that those, um, those selections in those choices that you make will ultimately result in which home you have. So, Edmond New Homes, make those decisions wisely. And if you look in between, used a new, a new, a shot before you go, gathering all the used homes, go look at new and, uh, come on our tours, see what we offer, because you will be guaranteed to, uh, open up some thoughts in your mind about what’s possible. Be Blessed.
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