Edmond New Homes | Working With Real Estate Agents
Edmond New Homes | Real Estate Agents serving you
so here’s shaw homes. We have a lot of customers who come in and other with realtors or with just off the street coming into any of our fully furnished and fully decorated model homes. Of course we have more of those than any builder at the Tulsa area. I would encourage anybody to rival what we offer because a, we’re the only ones doing it, so good luck to them, but any customers coming in, they typically have a couple of questions. Uh, one is if they’re moving ready potential buyers, meaning that, um, as a customer, the customer wants to look for custom homes, broken Arrow, and they want a moving ready home that is a couple of months out from being finished or that is currently finished or whatnot. With that, I have to let them know what offers I can give them as far as homes that are available and depends on price points. We have about 40 that are currently active and ready to be purchased as moving ready homes. The reason why we have so many simply because, hey, there’s a shortage. We’ve discussed this with all for Edmond New Homes realtors in the Tulsa area and there is a very large shortage with, uh, the, uh, there’s a very large shortage with the,
available homes in the market. So the realtors told us this and based on that, we’ve actually built quite a few homes that are moving ready or what people like to call spec homes. We don’t choose to call them that simply because that’s not what they are. They’re not spec anything. They’re custom built, custom designed and each one has its own individual tastes and decorum. But when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, typically people either want to build their home from scratch and wait the five to six months after we break ground that it takes to build the home or they’re going to want a home that is available within the next few months. And that is a good opportunity Edmond New Homes to present them with a move in ready home. So when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, you’ll find that our move in ready homes a range, depending on what you’re looking at.
We have multiple segments of homes, but they range from anywhere from 60 to $400,000 typically, um, or more, and the majority of them lie in the, in the range of about 2:50 to 3:50. However, we have many, many, many that are going to be under the 200,000 mark or under the 2:15 mark in our Manchester series home. And with the Manchester series home, we now have, um, probably 15 of those that are available at the current moment, but we’re always updating because they’re getting purchased left and right. They’re very high demand a home. And with the homes of the signature heritage series, we have the remainder, probably a 30 or so that are available right now. I’m all around the Tulsa area from Edmond New Homes , Glenpool bixby a all the way even to,
broken arrow as well. So when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, make sure you speak to any of our sales managers. They are located in all of the model homes, staffed hours, weekly, and you can find us in those homes and ask us any of the questions that you choose and also one of the big options you could do is join in on any of our model home tours. Now our model home tours are pretty specific. They definitely start for the idea of building your home, but if you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, you may also want to be moving ready. So we do these two different ways and we do them every, every week, the same time every week. So we do have Saturday, Sundays and Mondays, Edmond New Homes Mondays typically, and we can have one off instances and the week just depends on your scheduling and whatnot, but we have a lot of customers that are wanting to move in ready.
So the way we treat the tour is simply show them the move in ready homes that are available for that. If buildings completely out of the question. However, if building as a possibility, then a highly encourage going into two or simply because you’ll learn so much about the industry that you probably don’t know unless you’ve been in the industry prior and it will give you privy to all the knowledge in this industry to where you can be clear and understanding and concise about what you’re wanting and what quality you want and which builder suits you best and the greatest way to really see all of our options that we offer. So when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, make sure you kind of Edmond New Homes entertain the idea that a building could possibly be right for you or move in construction could be right for you.
So, um, in our broken area, we have quite a few homes. We’ve actually just recently sold quite a few because the demand is so high and the supply is so small here in the market and new. Um, so we do love to build homes for our customers. And if they’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, obviously we want to build for you because that is the ideal way to get exactly what you want for the price you want located where you like, and that will really meet all of your standards. It’s going to give you the best way to get everything that you’re desiring because in the problem that we face as a builder in the industry faces in general is when customers come into this, they want the home that they want. But Edmond New Homes unless you have an unlimited budget, you could only choose two out of the three options that I’m about to list to you and that is for plan location and amenities.
And if you’d. Like I said, if you have an unlimited budget, you can choose all three, but they’re outside of that. You will always have compromised whether it’s a used home of new home build construction, brand new from the ground up. There’ll always be there. Always be compromise somewhere in the process. So whether it’s the location where you want it to be here, the floor plan, that was really your favorite or also the amenities inside the home. There’s always going to be a, um, a compromise somewhere. So where is that taking place? Is it going to take place in your pricing is going to take place in your floor plan or it’s going to take place in the locations, depends on your individual circumstance and what you hold dear to most important a new construction aspects. So when you’re looking for a custom homes Edmond New Homes, you’ll find that we do offer more options than any builder in Edmond New Homes and that is in our floor plans are our locations, our home sites that are available and the options to build inside the home as well.
Plus our streamline approach to our process which equates the home tour upfront and then go to the price out home set reservation, purchase agreement, design studio construction and handing the keys over to you is a process in which we have that. Other builders just don’t have that streamlined process in place. You’ll meet one person who’s probably the owner of the company. They’ll help you pick out a plan. They’ll give you a few flyers, you’ll go through that process and you will start to pick out some colors, typically 10 to 15 different choices of granite, of cabinet color, et cetera. And then you’ll go into purchase agreement. You can’t change much. And if you do, sometimes they’ll tell you you can, but once he handed over your money, obviously you can’t. Now it’s just a building code issue or it’s a security issue or what have you.
And, uh, things change and you don’t get the process that you would expect when you’re building a new home and forking over 200 plus thousand dollars of your hard earned money. So when you do build with us, we have a process that allows you to truly get what you want, when you want, and you’re going to know upfront the clarity of mind when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, uh, the information that you would need will be given to you up front. So Edmond New Homes you don’t have the concern of knowing whether or not it’s right for you to build or go in this direction, move in this direction, reserve that home site, or picked that floor plan. Um, and this allows you the opportunity to really make a concise decision for you and your family based on the information given and the clarity of mind that you now have that when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, a shaw homes is the one to provide that streamlined process and make it really just fun and enjoyable.
Because without a process in place, you don’t really know where you’re headed. Edmond New Homes You don’t know what the next step is. And, uh, that lends itself to confusion. And really everything that’s negative in the industry comes out of the fact that you don’t know what to expect. You don’t know what you’re going to get. Are you making the right decision? And for younger, first time home buyers, this isn’t necessarily the most important factor. Um, they simply just want a home. Edmond New Homes They want to move into it, which I completely understand. I’ve been there myself and, uh, you know, quality. You do have to pay for this industry. It is something that you absolutely have to pay for. Um, when you’re looking for custom homes, broken Arrow, you could be a, you know, putting a direction where you think your, your, your quality home builder that you’re working with is a quality one and very well could be, but not up to what you could have at or just about the same price and really do pay for your quality in this industry.
This is not something where you can pay $40,000 less and get the same quality as the home that’s $40,000 more. Um, specifically if those are very large builders in competition. You really have to do your diligence and research and figure out why that is the case and depends on how analytical you are and whatnot. But, um, when you’re looking for custom homes, broken area, you can find that that is really the case. You have to truly dig out that information and figuring out is price most important to you or is quality and longevity most important to you? And when these things are, you know, debate, you can decide for yourself what that option may be. Edmond New Homes So we encourage you to figure that out and make sure that, uh, that is the right avenue for you, but you know, when you’re working with shaw homes, you can find that we are the most quality builder with the most options and we have the most moving ready homes available, if that is the direction you went ahead or we’d be happy to build for you to. So once again, show homes here, we definitely went to earn to earn your business and make sure that you’re, you’re exciting time that you expect to be as exciting and fun. And, uh, we will do our best to make sure that process entails having a lot of fun, seeing a bunch of pretty homes and making a lot of fun decisions for you and your family for the future. So we hope you have a blessed one.
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