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In a really cool structure and part of Stockholm’s process that I feel like a lot of fires are not familiar with, the entirely familiar with is something that we do that’s called the pre-show. This is a really cool structure that I truthfully feel like a lot of buyers and not a lot of people are very familiar with when it comes to the nNew Construction Homes In Edmond Oklahoma process and the new home opportunities in new communities and different stuff like that. There’s a really cool structure that we’ve got. I mean, this this process in general, this and this price out is creating this thing designed to help get buyers and a better understanding of what exactly goes into their process. What exactly goes into the New Construction Homes In Edmond Oklahoma opportunities in the new amenities and different stuff like that? So it’s I absolutely love it. I think it’s quite a fun structure that I’ve got. And it is being tested, tried and true so many times and again and again to show off more than anything what I’m able to do for my buyer and what I’m able to show off in their process as well. It’s a really cool structure.

It’s quite a fun structure, in my opinion. I absolutely love getting the chance to or their buyers looking at new homes and new home construction, see New Construction Homes In Edmond Oklahoma and all these different areas. I absolutely love getting the chance to to show off what I can do for my buyer and in their process and in their structure as a whole. So time and time again for us here at Charlotte, and I think it’s really, really fun being able to set a good expectation and then just consistently go above and beyond in that. And basically, with that being said, our our price structure has been created to do that. So for us, what a price is, is really fun. I love it. It truly is my favorite part and are five easy steps. What it basically is, what the goal is in mind. What we’ll do is we get the chance to meet with our buyers. And in that meeting, in that structure that we have, we will talk about the air before we even get the chance to meet. Excuse me, you should start in the beginning. But what we do is I’ll send a survey to your phone. It’s quite fun. It’s super enjoyable. And basically, when I get the chance to do one thing that you is, I’m getting the chance to open up an opportunity for you. I think I received a C and elect from the different amenities that I’ve got. So you’ve up to this point. You, as the buyer, have gotten the chance to pick out the floor plan. You’ve kind of gone through our process. You’ve got the chance to figure out location and we’ve narrowed down the price point that you want to be from there. Then we get we get the opportunity to, excuse me, go above and beyond for the new home opportunities in regards to showing, you know, what goes into home and what we can do for you and your new home. And it’s I think it’s quite fun because you see pictures of what goes exactly into your home. And once you see what goes into your home, you’re able to get the price point of those options as well, because different opportunities will have different price points and different amenities will have different price points as well. And basically, it’s just a great way to say, Hey, this is what we can do for you, and these are the opportunities that we have. And it’s so much fun in my in my opinion, it’s quite a fun process. It’s quite a fun opportunity to be able to show off what I can do for my buyers in their structure. And it’s fun. I mean, it’s quite a fun step. We get the chance to show off the different amenities that per location of her home four floor plan, and I think it’s really fun. I love getting the chance to connect with wonderful people and wonderful buyers to say, Look, this is what I can do for you. These are the amenities that I’ve got for you.

These are the opportunities that I’ve got. It’s so fun. I absolutely love and excuse me, getting the chance to. To do that for my buyers, so all that to say all when it comes to the new home process with and alongside our homes, we try to make it as fun as we can and as informative, informative as we can and not basically can go into a. And what I mean, like making it fun and going above and beyond. I want to make sure I’m showing off the opportunities that I can do for you. I mean, it’s all about finding out what works best. And when I get the chance to say, Hey, this is what I can do for you, these are the opportunities that I have for you. This is what may work best for you in your new home and different stuff like that. It’s so much fun. I love getting the chance to go above and beyond and for each and every buyer and each and every person that I’m working with. And because then when I do that, I’m setting a better expectation, a better understanding of what’s coming next and how that applies to each, every buyer’s process and their understanding of the process, because they may have built with a different builder before, and they sign the paper and then didn’t pick anything out until after. And so for us, it shows for for me, as a representative, I really want to make sure that I’m going above and beyond with the process that I know and the understanding that I have for our process. And when I’ve been doing that, when I’m getting the chance to then go above and beyond and everything that I’m doing, then it makes her structure so easy and so much fun. I love getting the chance to to be consistent with my buyers, be consistent in their process and be consistent in things that I’m doing for them. And because it makes the understanding of what’s going to happen next. So much more smooth and seamless. And we streamline it. So when I’m doing that, when I’m getting the chance to communicate that well for my buyers and I’m winning as a whole, and so that’s my goal is to make sure that they win. That was the whole I mean, I feel like that should be anyone’s mindset and understanding when they work with people, especially in the housing market right now. Our goal always and forever be to to make sure that our buyers win and that they feel like they’re being taken care of and they have a good understanding of that process. I mean, in my opinion, it’s extremely important. I absolutely love making sure my buyers have a good understanding of of what’s what’s to come and how I’m going to try to do everything that I can to guide them through the process and guide them through the structure that I’ve got. So it’s quite fun. I think it’s quite enjoyable. I want to make sure that I’m going above and beyond on a very consistent basis to make sure that.

These opportunities are there, and they are consistent in the new whole process. Excuse me. And when I’m getting the chance to remain consistent. Above and beyond, then it makes our process quite fun and quite enjoyable as we move forward in in the process with our buyers so that more than anything, when you work with your homes, you get the chance to to connect and work with us. I’m going to do everything I can to stay consistent with my communication skills and to get you as the buyer at the best information, the best opportunities that I can. And when I’m doing that and really winning as a whole, I mean, it’s it’s so fun. I love getting the chance to do this for my buyers. Working alongside them more than anything, and it creates a great structure.

It creates a great understanding that we are here to work with people, to benefit people, to help them have a better understanding of what’s to come in the process in the New Construction Homes In Edmond Oklahoma process and to protect them as a whole. So it’s quite fun. I get to get the chance to meet with some amazing people. I get the chance to help with some amazing buyers to show off what I can do for them and just how I am able to to benefit them in their structure and in their process to get them in a new home. And this can apply whether they’re looking at new homes in admin, new home construction, OKC, new construction homes in admin and then just new home construction in general. But I hear it so over and over again and the more consistent I’m being with my buyers and with their process and the more consistent I get the chance to be alongside extra homes. That is, it is quite a win in my in my book. And all of that just boils back to having the structure that we do walking buyers through the process that we do to get them the right information, to make sure to keep them updated with everything that we do for them, I think is is really fun. It makes it quite enjoyable because then I mean, I truly am getting the chance to work with some absolutely amazing New Construction Homes In Edmond Oklahoma buyers and absolutely amazing people to make sure that they they have a good understanding of what’s to come and how that applies to them.

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