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New Construction In Jenks School District | Building Your Home

new construction in Jenks school district | building a home in your child’s school district

This content was written for Shaw homes.

We know that your family is your priority. We also know that you make decisions based on your family and your children. One of these decisions may be beginning construction on a new home in your child’s school district. If you are seeking new construction in jenks school district, we encourage you to look no further than Shaw homes. Shaw homes is a well-known, well-established and reputable brand in the Tulsa area for homebuilding services. In fact, we may even go as far as to say we are the best. This is because we are the highest and most reviewed homebuilding company in Oklahoma. We truly are committed to exceptional results. We know how difficult it is getting your child ready and taking your child to school all while making it to work on time. This is why we believe that your home should be in the same school district where your child goes. Let Shaw homes help you with this process. We are members of the National Association of homebuilders in the Tulsa Association of homebuilders. We are truly committed to exceptional results and we provide the best new home built in the state.

Before you begin the process of building your new home, we encourage you to join the tour for free. When you join the Shaw homes tour, you will receive a free DSW gift card. Your gift card is our gift to you for your time in viewing our homes. You will have the opportunity to view some of Tulsa’s most beautiful, immaculate and well-built homes while getting a free pair of shoes in the process. Who doesn’t love looking at new homes? It is actually therapeutic and beautiful. This is a good way to spend your time and if you are seeking to build a new home, we encourage you to do this before you begin.

When you think new construction in jenks school district you can count on a warranty. We know how important it is to provide exceptional quality for the place where you shelter your family. Shaw homes have been Providing a structural warranty, in fact, we provide 10-year structural warranty so that our clients never received anything but the best. In addition, we offer a two-year mechanical warranty. Your entire home is under warranty for one year after the build. This is because we are completely committed to exceptional results. We believe in equality and we will never deliver anything less.

When you begin new construction in jenks school district, we encourage you to meet with your personal builder Shaw homes. You have the ability to see a design studio. You will be able to see firsthand exactly what your construction will look like before you even begin the building process.

We encourage you to visit our website by going to www.shawhomes.com. On our website, you will see a gallery. Our gallery features past clients work. You will see firsthand our skill level, craftsmanship ability and ability to achieve exceptional results. Just contact our experts at (918) 688-5660. We look forward to your call and begin the journey of your new construction today.

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