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New Home Construction OKC | We’ll Provide For You

As we continue through the steps in the process that Shah has here for a New Home Construction OKC and new build opportunities, we’ve gotten a chance to go through the first couple of steps which mainly are just getting to know you, the modern home tour step where we show you what we’ve got to offer and how that fits for you and your family. Next, from there we’ve got the financial side. We talked about the lenders that we have in getting financially approved and what that looks like and just how it may mean. Our goal and in that step and in that process is to help you understand your purchasing power. Whether you’re looking at new homes and New Home Construction OKC, new construction homes in those areas that we’re very actively building in, all of those are different opportunities and different options that each of our buyers you can pick from, you can choose from. You can kind of check out and see how it would apply to you as a buyer. And that’s really a big, big factor here at. There’s a lot of different options. There’s a lot of different opportunities. And how are you going to know about them if you don’t come in and get the chance to sit and talk with us and kind of set the expectation that you’re looking for when it comes to your new build and new home opportunities? Because for us as a whole, we want to go over that. We want to make sure that we’re hearing exactly what you and your family are needing, why you’re needing it, because everybody has different needs and different reasons why they have those needs.

So for us, we want to make sure that we’re talking about that, going over that, going over those opportunities as a whole. And whether you’re again looking at two homes in New Home Construction OKC or Casey Anthony and Edmunds, all of these areas, and we’re really expanded to we’ve grown to. So that makes a really fun, really amazing opportunity is going over at locations with buyers and kind of saying, you know what? Hey, we’re not just here in Tulsa, we’ve got Representative Central Oklahoma City as well. And then and we can help you in all of those locations, too. So it more than anything, it benefits you as the buyer and kind of getting the option and the opportunity to see different locations, different amenities, different incentives that we’re offering per location as well, because we do that as well. We’ve got different incentives for a series of home for price, point for location that you build or purchase in. I am a part of our process when we’re figuring out about you, when we learn about your needs and your desires as a buyer. Then we get the chance to kind of say, Hey, since you’re in, you know, maybe this stage of buying at this price point, here are the different options that we have to offer in that price point for that location. Firms have different options that kind of coincide along with the opportunities that we have to offer for a location. So it’s really fun setting the expectations and having a good understanding for buyers and what’s to what’s to be expected really more than anything moving forward with each and every buyer’s process, because every process for every buyer is astronomically different and we understand that.

So for us here at short, our goal is to go over that, to set the right expectations and have a good understanding of what’s to be expected moving forward and how it applies to you as the buyer per location and per market and per home for a floor plan per location. I mean, there’s really so many factors that go into our process as a whole, and there’s so many factors that go into your home as a whole. So we want to make sure that we’re going over each and every process for you as a buyer per. Market per location per opportunity per home per, you know, and then me, because everything will be different for every buyer, so kind of breaking down those first couple of steps really then leads into the third step. So once we’ve kind of figured out the location that you want to be at, the amenities that you’re needing for you and your family, the opportunities you’re looking for. And we’ve kind of narrowed down the finances side, what you and your family feel comfortable with you, what you guys prefer when it comes to New Home Construction OKC. Next from there is really then you get to pick out your land. So that’s the fun part of building. Once you’ve finalized, Hey, we really love this floor plan, it fits our needs, it fits our budget, it fits our monthly payment. We’re super happy with it. Next, from there, we got to find a location, a home site that we can put it on, and we’ve got a ton of different locations. And it’s kind of like I was saying about earlier, we build not just in Tulsa, we build in Oklahoma City. We were involved in new homes and New Home Construction OKC, new construction homes and all these different areas. Those are areas that we’re very actively building in. We’ve got the chance to move to and expand and grow too. So those are options that we talk to our buyers about when when we connect and communicate with them is just, Hey, where do you need to be? What do you need in regards to the process? What do you need in regards to opportunities for your home and locations? And how does that apply for your family and your family’s needs for that school district, whether that needs close by or needs around around you and your family? And then from there, we kind of just break down and go over what’s involved and what amenities are in these communities, what the homes exercises. I love going, getting the chance to go, walk the home site and kind of show off what those size that size may look like in regard in person. Because a lot of times people go drive it and they may go, look at the home site and be like, Oh yeah, that looks okay. Or Yeah, sure, it’s a good size, but they don’t get out and they don’t go walk it and they don’t go see the actual size, the actual depth of the home and the home site. And they don’t really see it in all of its magnitude because I’ve gotten a chance to do that with some buyers. And when I go walk the home site, when I go walk the land and the location with them and I go actually show them how deep that home site is or how large the home site really is by walking it, it really changes for second forces perspective to go, Oh my gosh, this is a lot bigger than I thought it. I, you know, from the street than I thought it was going to be, or, oh wow, this is I thought this was a lot bigger in person. I we actually may need something a little bit larger. I mean, it really, it’s not a problem. It boils down to proper communication. And if it’s not what you expected or if you are needing more, if you’re wanting more for your family, that’s totally something you can do. I mean, you just communicate with us, is that so many options and so many opportunities that we’re really doing everything that we can to communicate properly, show them to you, make sure that you understand what they are and how they apply to your home and where your home is going to sit on this home site. Where what side of things you need in north south, east west facing home sites? All of these are different options that we have. There’s a lot that really goes into picking that perfect one. And one of the most important things, too, that I tell my buyers is once it’s gone, it’s gone. I can’t replicate or recreate that where this is just not making any more land softly. And it’s me competing against my other sales team representatives that they can have a person looking for something very similar have maybe have a different floor plans, but have the same needs in regards to plans and locations. And they may come in and reserve that in snatched up before you do so. That’s the last thing that we want happening to our buyers. So we we really make sure that I’m setting the expectation of, OK, look, I’ve got this land, got this home site, but I know it’s a very valuable one. I know it’s very high quality. And if you don’t reserve it right now, it may get snatched up. So we offer this amazing option that’s called a reservation. Quite literally, it’s where you can reserve a home site. It’s either $250 check or a $1000 check. We just take a picture of it. We send it on into our office and we reserve that home site for you from for seven days. It blocks all competing customers from taking your home plate. So that way you’re able to take some time to get your questions answered and different stuff like that as you walk through the process. So you’re not feeling like you’re getting to see maybe a couple of options and then it’s being taken away from you? Pretty much. So that’s something that I love being able to do.

And when it comes to a process, when it comes to the breakdown of options is showing off like, Hey, here’s the land that we got. Here’s what I have for land and location. If I were you, I would reserve this. Now I would try to, you know, take this before anybody else takes this, because then it’s no more than anything. It may seem like it’s, you know, you’re writing a check. It technically is no money out of your pocket, though, because we don’t cash the check. I normally don’t take the check. I’ll hand it right back to you after I’ve taken a picture of it to send it to our office and we go from there. So that’s something that I communicate with my bar.

So they know they’re like, Oh, come on, you know, we’re not her money’s not being taken away from us or we’re not being swindled. It more than anything is just to benefit them so that their options can be taken. I can make sure that I’m showing them exactly what can be done, and if they do have something that fits perfectly for them, they can reserve it while still getting some questions answered. Still figuring out there. Maybe if they’re figuring out their financial status and other factors like that that coincide with the process and just walking through the five easy steps. But the land is truly one of the most important steps because when things are so quickly and once this guy is gone and we cannot get it back, so that’s a really big factor. It’s really hard to find the perfect lot. Whether you’re looking at new homes and new homes and offices, you know, New Home Construction OKC. But once you find it, we make sure that we help you snatched up real quick because then when it’s gone, it’s gone. So we’ll find the best lot for you and for your family.

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