New Home Construction OKC | Where’s This Happening?
One thing I always love asking my miners is the big question of have you ever gotten the chance to build before? Have you ever built a home before? Have you ever built? Was your home? Have you ever been in a home before? I also think another big question for my buyers because a lot of people, I feel like, especially nowadays, they’ve never been in your home before, they’ve never built before. Or if they have, it’s been many years now out of place for whether you’re looking at Tulsa, you’re looking at new homes and I’ve been in New Home Construction OKC, new construction homes and then many of these areas. And very important to figure out if you’ve built before or if you have it, because there’s going to be some different understandings of you have built before or if you’ve never built and that’s something that we get the chance to to hear from different buyers on a very consistent basis. And for me, I want to make sure that if you’ve never built before, if you’ve never gotten the opportunity to walk through a model home and pick out your designs and go through the process with us here at SHA, I’m going to try to do that. I want to make sure that I’m setting good expectations. But the really cool part is especially because I think it’s the very fun part with charm or structure has been tested time and time again, and we’ve got an amazing process that more than anything has been designed to benefit every buyer involved, no matter what you’re looking for, no matter what you’re looking at. This has been created to help you as the buyer and walking through the process with us and starting the new home process with us here at. And because we want to, we want to do that successfully. We want like, especially myself, I want to make sure I’m communicating properly and going over the options that you may have in your home.
So for us, especially, you know, starting out in the process, we’re going to ask some some different questions, maybe some unique questions about your home and what you’re living in right now, what your expectations are moving forward, what you like in your home, like some very common questions I normally always ask my buyers is just, you know, OK, well, what’s making you want to move because everybody’s got a different reason that they want to move. That’s something that each and every buyer has to they get the chance to talk through. They get the chance to walk through figuring out what they like, what they don’t like, why they’re doing certain things. So they’ve decided on certain factors, why they want certain homes or certain sizes. And I think that’s very important. That’s something that needs to be talked about as something that needs to be communicated. You know, both sides, whether it’s spouses working or it’s parents looking for their kids or it’s kids looking for their parents or, you know, a young couple or a young person starting out on their own in the first house or just somebody who’s on their own and they’re downsizing. I mean, there’s different options and there’s different life changes in each of those. And so for us, I’m going to make sure to communicate and try to see exactly what you’re needing and communicate the right expectation for each stage of life. But all that to say whenever and meet with buyers and whenever I get the chance to meet them for the first time and toxins through the process for the first time, my very first goal, I want to figure out why they’re moving. What exactly is making you want to move? Why are you looking at some new home opportunities? Because I get sometimes I get buyers who were like, Well, we actually don’t want to move. We’re being forced to move or, well, we don’t really want to move. But it’s just for this one small reason that we’re we’re really checking out some new opportunities.
And I can then figure out even deeper and just be like, Well, why you know why? What exactly do you dream of having your your home in or having opportunities in and different stuff like that? So I mean, more than anything, I love getting the chance to hear why buyers want, want, want, what they want, how it applies to their family and how it will help benefit their family to have that because that’s really needed more than anything. That’s a reason why people move there. They’ve got reasons. They have new kids coming in, they have kids going out, they’re downsizing, they’re upgrading, they want more space, they want to entertain or they they want less space because they’ve done it already in their life. I mean, you can go down the line pretty easily just to ask some nice, easy questions to buyers and just making statements of, you know, why do you want what you want? Because every buyer’s different, whether you’re looking at new homes and New Home Construction OKC, new construction homes in Edmond, as well as here in Tulsa as well for the new home opportunities were very different. We aren’t live in the same way if everybody’s living something different and doing something different.
And for us here at show, we really want to make sure that we’re communicating expectations and we’re going over the reasons why you need something else and how exactly we can meet those needs for you. And excuse me, find that floor plan that meets certain. Uses, as well as the price point that you need to be in. So it’s quite a wonderful opportunity and wonderful, innovative ideas for us here at Shore that we’re really getting the chance to very consistently go above and beyond in everything that we do. And I absolutely love doing this process, and I love getting the chance to help so many different people. It’s so enjoyable. It’s absolutely so much fun when we get the chance to meet that need and fill that gap for each and every buyer in there, their new home process in the new home, amenities and new home opportunities that they get the chance to pick from. But all that being said, I mean, for us, it’s quite enjoyable and walking buyers through our process. It’s pretty simple our process as a whole. I mean, it’s very streamlined. It’s been tested, tried and true true. Over the last almost 40 years that we’ve been in business, it’s relatively remain the same. I mean, obviously, we will tweak and update our structure to follow and coincide with the ever changing times of this market. And as the housing industry, because it is always changing, there’s new trends that are arising and going away. There’s new options that people get to select from our new housing styles they want. And then just how we restructure everything can be changed as well, just basically getting our buyers the right information. We’ve got new technology, new software systems, new, really cool, innovative ways that we’re offering that for our buyers. And it’s it’s quite an awesome structure. It’s quite an awesome process. And more than anything, I absolutely love getting getting the chance to show off different opportunities to my buyers and stating, Hey, this is what we can do. Excuse me, this is why we can do it, this is how we do it. And just doing that within the process because also whether they’re looking at new ones in admin, New Home Construction OKC, new mums in admin and whether they’re looking at all these different areas, we don’t. My biggest thing is I don’t want to overwhelm somebody also, right? All at once, I really want to make sure I’m making the effort to follow the steps, the process to show them what I can within each setting. Because normally, when you’re trying to gain information on building a home, you’re going to go through the process, you’re going to go through multiple opportunities and multiple routes to see what works best for you. And it takes a little time sometimes, and that’s OK. There’s nothing wrong with taking time or having a little time. There’s nothing wrong with getting those opportunities set up. But basically, more than anything, I don’t want to. When I work with somebody, I want to make sure that they have the right information at the right time. Because if you gave, you know, if people get too much information all at once, it’s extremely overwhelming and it can shut people down. And that’s not what I want to do. I want to make sure that they’re asking. They’re able to ask the right questions and get the right information at the correct stages because there are certain stages that you know, buyers may need information. They may need certain certain or they may have certain questions. And so I’ll be able to provide answers to those certain questions as I walk them through our structure, our process, the new home amenities in the new home opportunities, different factors like that that coincide.
New Home Construction OKC So it’s quite fun more than anything, just just walking alongside buyers, walking with them to state, Hey, this is what I’m able to do for you. This is this is what we do for all of our buyers. This is how we structure our process, and this is how we’ll structure it with you as well, because we don’t we don’t deviate from that, but we try to remain consistent and obviously adjust as per buyer because not everybody is the same. But the cool thing is we follow the very similar structure. We have the same structure throughout each and every person that we build a home for. So that way we’re incentivizing new opportunities and new new processes and new ways that we can work with people, whether they’re looking at new construction and then New Home Construction OKC. all those different areas. And it’s quite easy to incentivize and provide some really amazing opportunities and really wonderful processes, and we get the chance to build some really cool relationships, too. I get the chance to work with some wonderful people to find a home for them. I mean, it’s one of the most rewarding things when you can work with realtors and buyers to find a home that works best for them so that they, you know, you absolutely know this is the perfect house for them. They’ve hunted for so long and they find something that they’re able to design, pick out, or it’s a mercury that works for them. It’s such a wonderful feeling when we’re able to provide those homes for those buyers. So I get such a great feeling working with some wonderful people to get them in a beautiful home that they’ve personalized, they’ve picked out, they’ve designed and all of that jazz.
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