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New home construction Oklahoma City | A Lot of Different Homes

New home construction Oklahoma City | A Lot of Different Homes

Chase scott shaw home, session one, a prober 17 new homes. We’re going to go through all the pricing. Just look at that. Zero, zero one CC crystal creek 81, Addison, 1,857 square feet, 220 $16,000. Admin new homes, zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester am one. Amber, 1,740 square feet 194,800 zero, zero one cm. Crystal Creek Manchester has one. Ashton, 1,554 square feet, 184,700 zero, zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester be a one, 1,377 square feet. One hundred and 76,610 new homes, zero zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester [inaudible] birthday in 1,487 square feet. One hundred $81,500, zero zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester, ca one Cambridge, 1,721 square feet. New home construction Oklahoma City One hundred 90, $1,900, zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester da one Dawson, 1,525 square feet, 186,200 ad the new house zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester d one dewberry, 1,806 square feet. One hundred $99,300, zero zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester del [inaudible], Delaware, 1,793 square feet, hundred $95,800, zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester [inaudible], one Ellington, 1,941 square feet, 200, $2,500.

Admin new hose, zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester, Liberty New home construction Oklahoma City 1,996 square feet, $203,600. Edmond new homes, zero zero, one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester. Anyone? Newport 2000, 121 square feet, 209,300 Edmond new homes, zero, zero, one cm, crystal creek, Manchester Reu, Remington, you 2,207 square feet. Two hundred and 20,300 admin knows zero zero one sl Silverleaf [inaudible] ember, 1,683 square feet, 189,200 zero zero. One sl silver leaf has fallen Ashton, 1,499 square feet, $179,100. Zero zero sl. Similarly be a 100, 1,336 square feet, $171,000, zero zero one SL. Similarly Birkdale one, 1,424 square feet, $175,900. Zero zero sl silver leaf Cambridge, 1,662 square feet. One hundred and 86,300 Edmond new homes, zero zero one SL silver leaf [inaudible] do very 1,806 square feet. Hundred Ninety 3,700 admin new homes. Audio_10_17_2018_15_08_51

Sha home sessions to chase October 17th, Edmond Neil has zero, zero one TV, Tucson village, our EU Remington, 2,207 square feet, 221,400 zero, zero one TV to some village and [inaudible] Newport 2048, 210,200 had been new homes. Zero Zero TV, Tucson village, [inaudible] liberty 1,932 square feet, 200, $4,500, zero zero one TV to some village. [inaudible] Ellington, 1,876 square feet, 200, $3,900, zero zero one in Tucson village TV d, One d, very 1,806 square feet, 200,000. And the new homes, zero zero one TV, Tucson village, ca one Cambridge, 1,642 square feet. A hundred 92,900 zero, zero one TV in Tucson village be Ion Birkdale 1,424 square feet. One hundred 80, 2,500 zero zero TV to some village va, one bay would 1,323 square feet, $177,500. Zero zero TB. Tucson village has fun. Ashtyn 1,499 square feet, 185,600. And the new house zero zero one TV, Tucson village and one amber, 1,683 square feet. New home construction Oklahoma City One hundred 95,700 zero zero one sl silver leaf Reu Remington, 2,207 square feet, 214,700 new homes, zero zero, one sl silver leaf and a lot newport 2048 square feet $203,700. Zero zero one sl Silverleaf [inaudible] liberty 1,932 square feet. One hundred $98,000 zero zero one SL silverleaf e l one Ellington at 1,876 square feet. Hundred Ninety 6,900 admin new homes, zero zero one SL silver leaf, the Delaware 1,793 square feet, $190,200. And the new helmets. Audio_10_17_2018_15_12_33

Chase scott shaw, session three, October 17. We’re going to go through. We’ll go through dare to compare feature hardwood floors. It’s available with us on offered with competition. Quartz countertops in the kitchen. Included with us 6,003. We competitor a admin new granite countertops in the kitchen and pleaded with us $1,500. Upgrade with competitor. Crown Molding on cabinets included with us a fair charged with competitor five grand or so including with us four burner with competitor cabinet door styles to choose from. New home construction Oklahoma City Three with us, one with competitor, a Edmond, new homes stained or painted cabinets both in fitted with us staying only 900 painted lift competitor kitchen backsplash. Four inch granted reports and not included. Four hundred $2,500. Upgrade with competitive cabinet doors above. Microwave included with us. Upgrade charge with competitor, my bench with hooks and utility room included with us not offered with competitor study, pocket study and cabinet planning. A included with us not offered with competitor. Edmond, new homes

and the new hope’s upgrading, upgraded the carriage varage were included with that sign up for with competitor garage door hardware and with us upgrade charge 400 with competitive now drywall corners included with us on offer with competitor hadn’t been new homes. Window sills included with us. I’m pretty charged with competitive but in packages to choose from two sides and three colors. The festival in south colors with competitor interior door styles to choose from. Five with us to his competitor cultured marble countertop choice colors for with us to a competitor bath hardware colors to choose from. Three with us, one with competitors. Sixty five, 24 would sell. Tiles concluded in what areas with us the free charge. $8 per square foot with competitor window colors to choose from three with us but only with competitor at the new homes type of included media. Jack’s combination. Cat Five, cable cable only with competitor vaulted ceilings and master bedroom included with us on our competitor. New home construction Oklahoma City Volts sales and great room concluded for playing with us on know for the competitor Admin new homes. 15 high ceiling for year with daylight window included per plan with us. I know for the competitor, extended nine foot ceiling for your crown molding included with us on for weak competitor. Thirty five years of experience with us. Every new homes. Audio_10_17_2018_16_45_30

Jay scott shaw homes session four October 17th,

zero zero one s l silverleaf eight and 11 and 1,683 square feet, hundred 89,200 zero zero sl Silverleaf [inaudible] asked him 1,499 square feet, a hundred 79,100 Edmond new homes, zero zero one sl silver like ba one. They would 1,336 square feet. One hundred $71,000, zero zero one SL silver leaf birkdale 1,424 square feet. Seventy 5,900 zero, zero one sl Silverleaf, ca one Cambridge, 1,662 square feet. A hundred 86,303 zero, zero one sl Silverleaf Dawson d a One, 1,525 square feet. New home construction Oklahoma City One hundred $80,600, zero zero one sl Silverleaf [inaudible] dewberry, 1,806 square feet under 93,700 been new homes, zero zero one sl silver lake dln Delaware, 1,783 square feet under 90,200 zero zero one sl Silverleaf Eln Ellington, 1,876 square feet under $96,000. Admin new homes, zero zero one sl Silverleaf [inaudible] liberty 1,932 square feet under $98,000. Zero zero sl Silverleaf anyone newport 2048 square feet, $208,700 added the new homes, zero zero one sl silver leaf RTU remington.

You 2,207 square feet. Two hundred and 14,000. Admin knew zero zero. One CN Crystal Creek. Manchester am one, amber, 1,740 square feet under $94,800. Zero zero one cm. Crystal Creek Manchester has one. Ashton, 1,554 square feet, 800, 184,700 zero zero one cm for Supreme Manchester Bay one bay load 1,377 square feet. I’ve been 76,600 zero, zero one cm, disappointment and chest with Don Birkdale. One thousand 497 square feet and $181,500. Edmond new homes, zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester, ca one Cambridge, 1,721 square feet, hundred 91,900. And the Newmans zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester da one das at 1,525 square feet. One hundred and $86,200. Zero zero one cm pistol Pete Manchester d one dewberry, 1,806 square feet. One hundred $99,300. Zero, zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester deal one Delaware, 1,793 square feet under 95,800 had been new homes. Audio_10_17_2018_16_48_18

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