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New home construction Oklahoma City | Shoot It Down

Shot home session five, October 17, Jay Scott and the new homes and we are clear and some other things. Here we go. We have a amber, a m one 633rd east avenue, 206,769. One hundred percent complete and maneuver maneuvers. We have a bay would be a one. One, three, three, zero five east 41st place, 182,000, 200 6,700 percent complete. Three to two new homes. Birkdale bi one, one, three, three, two, nine. East 43rd street, 186,563 preconstruction hundred percent complete. Dawson, d a one four, one zero, two south, 133 East Avenue I 197,873 to two. Edmond, new homes, Dawson, d a One, one, three, three, three, three, zero east, 43rd street, 197,000, 857. Drywall, three to two Admin knew, Huh? New home construction Oklahoma City

Then we have. Ashton has one and 34 slash 17 east St, 187,000. One hundred, 80,500, 8,600 percent complete, three to two, they would be a one three slash four, four East Lake Street, hundred and 75,900 5,100 percent complete. Three, two, two. The new homes, they would be a one three slash four, four zero, 178,700, 1100 percent complete three two to Cambridge, ca one, three, four, one three east, 187,750 600 percent complete for two to Cambridge, ca one, three, four, two, nine. East Quebec Street, 190, 1000, 180 300 percent complete 14 to do Barry de [inaudible] 2120 East Winston Street, 209,945 and 42 admin, new homes, Ellington, [inaudible], 6,700 south 20th place 210,000, 650 to 100 percent complete for two to liberty [inaudible] 6,700, nine South Twentieth Street, 213,700 3,600 percent complete. Three t, two Admin, new homes. Newport. Anyone 21, oh, eight, 200, 18,637 and a review for two to Remington art. You use 67 slash 16 south 20th street, 233,450, one plumbing final for two to New home construction Oklahoma City and those are a lot of the different homes that we have in the different communities and there’s some beautiful homes so you need to take your families out there and go check them out because they are all a beautiful and you will love them.

They are shaw homes and so there are always great. I need to check with Tim and meeting with one at 1130 meeting with one 1130 and we will see admin new home. Audio_10_17_2018_16_51_51

So session six, October 17th, stop. We’re doing a dare to compare so we’ll go over things that come standard and our homes and possibly done in others and just all the great benefits of a building, a shop, home admin, new homes. So we have hardwood floors. They come available with us. Competitor not offered quartz countertops in the kitchen. Included with us $6,000 upgrade with competitor granite countertops in kitchen included with us $1,500. Upgrade with competitor had been new homes. Crown Molding on cabinets included with us. Upgrade charge with competitor. Five. Burner stove include with us four burner with competitor cabinet door styles to choose from three with us, one with competitors staining or painting cabinets, both included with us staying only have $900 for painted with competitor kitchen, back splash for foreign screening or courts not included. Four hundred to $2,500. Upgrade your competitor cabinet doors about microwave included with us.

Upgrade charge with competitor but bench with hooks and utility. New home construction Oklahoma City Included with us on offered with competitor pocket study and planning desk included with us on offer with competitor competitor. I’ve been new homes, separate laundry room until the room included for playing with us and offer. We’ve competitor covered patio can do with us after they charged 2000 and 6,000 with competitor upgraded caring style garage door and with us on apple. We competitive competitor Admin, new homes, garage door hardware and clear with us. I’ve very charged 400 with competitor bullnose drywall corners included with us on a fairly competitive admin, new homes, window sills included with us. I great charged with competitor like packages to choose from. She styles and three colors with us once it colors with competitor Admin, new homes, interior door styles to choose from. Five with us to competitor cultured marble counter top choices, color prices for with us to a competitor that hardware colors to choose from.

Three, two, one lift. Competitor six, five, 24 winds, style tiles and included in wet areas with us. Upgrade charge a per square foot. We competitor window coverings to choose from three with us. White only with competitor type of including me. Jack’s combination. New home construction Oklahoma City Cat Five, cable with us. Cable only with competitor avenue, humps, vaulted ceilings and master bedroom. And clearly with us and offer we competitor vaulted ceiling and great room and through with us on offer with competitor a 15 high ceiling, the light room include for playing with us and offer with the competition, uh, Admin, new homes and send a nine foot four year with crown molding included per playing with us and our competitor, a competitor, a 35 plus years of experience with us admin new homes. Audio_10_17_2018_16_59_34

Scott shabnam session one October 23rd, we’re going to go through the inventory lists and uh, you’re from there. So we have, they will be a one, one, three, three, zero five east 41st place on hundred and 82,660 700 percent complete 32 to Spec burchill bi one, one three, three, two, nine, east 43rd street, 186,563 review. And the new homes SPEC Dawson d a one four, one zero two south, 133rd East Avenue, 197, 807,000. Paint Three D to Admin, new homes, Spec, Dasa Ba one, one, three, three, three, zero east 43rd street, 197,857. Train three to two SPEC Delaware dl one, one, three, three, zero, one east, 42nd street, 200, 3000, 225. Train them for two to SPEC. New home construction Oklahoma City Ashton has one, three, four, one seven East Quebec Street, 190,580 600 percent complete. Three to two been new homes SPEC. They would be a one, three, four, four, five East Street, 175,950 100 percent complete.

Three to two SPEC. They would be a one, three, four, four, zero East Street, 178,700, 1100 a second complete, three to two spent Cambridge ca one three, four, one three east [inaudible] street, 187,750 600 percent complete for Tutu admin. New homes, Spec Cambridge, ca one, three, four, two, nine east go street, 190, 1000, 100 8,300 percent complete for two to expect new Marietv [inaudible] 2120 East Winston Street two. Oh nine, nine four, five. Paint for two, two. And the new homes, Spec Ellington, New home construction Oklahoma City he and 6,700 south 20th place 210,650 200 percent complete for two to Spec. Liberty [inaudible] 67 slash nine south 20th street, 213,736 100 percent complete three to two Spec Newport and he won 21. Oh, eight East Winston, 218,637 slash four to two admin, new homes, Spec, Remington, any RTU? 60 seven, 16 south 20th street, 233,450, one plumbing, final four to five to Admin, new homes. And then going through that list we have ba one Ba da one da, one dl, one a, b, a, b, a one c a one c a one d e l I l I won and he won our EU as the new homes. Audio_10_22_2018_16_05_42

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