New home construction Oklahoma City | Go Through The List
New home construction Oklahoma City |Listing it out
Chase scott, session five, lots of new homes. Uh, September 19th. We’re going to continue to go through the inventory list and check that out and see what we can do for new homes and all those things, uh, as well. So we’re going to slowly go through that and check that out. And Chris. Okay, got that. And uh, see what is there. So first we have the zero. Zero to t v zero. One zero, zero six zero three blocks, six lot three r e u, 2,207 square feet running. And Sixty seven, 16 south 20th street, two, three, three, four, five, one paint four or five to one, a Waso new homes, zero, zero to 10, zero, one zero, zero, zero four zero, zero five, block for lot five and 20, 48. New home construction Oklahoma City Spec Newport, anyone at 21. Oh, eight East Winston Street to be determined ratified four to two, zero, zero. Two TV, zero. One Zero, zero four zero, zero eight, block for a lot. Eight and 11 slash 20 slash 48. SPEC newport in [inaudible], 6,700, five south 20th street, 216,291 plumbing final sold rose closing 9:28 New home construction Oklahoma City. Then we have zero zero to t v zero one zero zero four zero zero seven. Block for lat 70 [inaudible] 1,932 square feets back. Liberty Bell. I won at 67. Oh, nine,
two, 13 seven six. Oh, 100 percent complete. Three to two mls, one eight, two seven, seven, two, four, five zero, zero. Two TVS, zero. One zero, zero four zero. One Zero Bucks for a lot. 10 Ellington. And uh, let’s see, we have the specs sold. Okay. Audio_09_17_2018_13_27_23
Chase scott, session six, September 18th, 19, a loss of new homes, and we’re going to go through the list again. Cc Zero one zero, zero
zero one zero, zero 60 zero, zero. One 6:00 AM one of 1,683 square feet. And I suspect that’s an amber a, m one, four, three, two, six south on hundred 33rd east avenue. Do you want your 6,769 70 percent complete three to two mls, one eight, one nine, nine, 42. Sold Bradley before 10 and 15 zero, zero one cc one zero zero two zero. One six, block two lot 16. Meet a one, 1,323 square feet Spec, they would be a one. One, three, three, zero five east 41st place, hundred 80, 2000, 267. One hundred percent complete. Three to two mls, one eight, one nine, nine, four, nine, zero, zero. One zero. One, zero, zero. Three, zero. Three, five. Oh, seven new homes bought three lot. Thirty five, 1,424 square feet. SPEC Birkdale Obi wan one, three, three, two, nine, east 43rd to be determined. Preconstruction hundred percent. Oh, also new homes, zero zero one zero, one zero, zero two zero, one eight, block two lot 18 da one, $1,500, 25 squares, square feet, Spec, dusts, and three, three, zero east, 43rd street, 197,857 electric rough, three to two new homes, zero, zero one s l zero, one zero, zero one zero, one eight, block one, 18 eight s one, 1,499 square feet spec.
Ashton has three, 407 East Kovacs treat 180,500 8,600 percent complete three to two mls, one 89, three, eight, nine. And also new homes we have zero, zero one sl zero one zero, zero four zero. One three, blog for lot 13, va one and 1,336 SPEC. They would be a one, three, four, four, zero east St Louis Street as 178,700, 1100 percent complete, three to one to eight, one eight, seven, eight, seven, 112 Bostonian. New homes,
zero, zero one s l zero, one zero, zero five, zero, zero to block five block to see ca one, 1,662 SPEC Cambridge, ca one, three, four, three, six, east Quebec Street, 187,413. One hundred percent complete for two, two mls, one eight, one six, two, two, nine. Soul Baker closing at 9:29, the Washington new homes. And then we had the next one out, zero, zero, two, two, zero. One Zero, zero four, zero, zero to log for a lot to. He won 1,806 square feet. SPEC, Dewberry v one, two, one, two, zero. East, Winston Street, DVD, preconstruction complete four, two, two. It was so new homes. And then we have zero, zero to 10, zero, one, zero, zero, zero, four zero, zero eight block for a lot eight. Anyone in 2048 spent newport, anyone 67. Oh, five South Twentieth Street to 16 to nine slash 11 calling final four to two mls. One eight. One, two nine. Zero sold rise closing on nine slash 28 of Wasa. New homes. Audio_09_17_2018_14_15_44
Chase scott, session one, Edmond new homes, September 26th. We’re going to go over the price matrix from September 21st 2018 and we will start with Crystal Creek that has zero zero one CC, Crystal Creek 80 one addison, 1,857 square feet, $226,000, zero zero one cm. Crystal Creek Manchester am one. Amber, 1,740 square feet. It’s $194,800. Zero zero one at a cme. Crystal Creek, Manchester has one. Ashton, 1,554 square feet. That’s $184,700. Zero zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester Ba one. They would 1,377 square feet. That’s $176,600. New home construction Oklahoma City, zero, zero one cm, Crystal Creek Manchester be I won Birkdale 1,487 square feet. That’s 181,500 zero, zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester, ca one cambridge. That is 1,721 square feet. That’s 190, 1,900 zero, zero one and cm crystal creek, Manchester d, a [inaudible] Dawson, and 1,525 square feet. That’s 186,200 New home construction Oklahoma City, zero zero one and the cme. Pistol Creek, Manchester de [inaudible] du Barry, 1,806 square feet.
One hundred 99,300 zero, zero cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester Eel one Ellington, 1,941 square feet. And that’s $202,500. Zero, zero cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester, [inaudible] liberty 1,996 square feet, 208,600 admin new homes, zero zero, one cm, crystal creek, Manchester, and Iwan Newport $2,000. One hundred and 21 square feet, $209,300. Zero zero, one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester, EU, Remington, you 2,207 square feet, 220,300 New home construction Oklahoma City. Now we’re onto similarly zero, zero one sl Silverleaf am one amber, 1,683 square feet. That’s 189,200 zero zero one sl Silverleaf has one Ashton, 1,499 square feet, 179,100 zero, zero one sl silver bay one bay would 1,336 square feet, 171,000 zero zero sl Silverleaf be Birkdale 1,424 square feet, 175,900 admin new homes, zero zero one, and the SL Silverleaf [inaudible] Cambridge 1,662 square feet on hundred and 86,300 zero zero one sl silver leaf tea one awesome. One thousand 525 square feet, 180,600 and a New home construction Oklahoma City, zero zero, one sl Silverleaf [inaudible] newberry, 1,806 square feet, 193,700 zero zero one sl silver leaf at Delaware, 1,793 square feet, 190,200 zero zero one sl silver leaf eln Ellington, 1,876 square feet, 196,000 a hundred 96 $900, zero zero one sl Silverleaf Loi, one liberty, 1,932 square feet, 198,000 admin new homes, zero zero sl Silverleaf anyone newport 2048 and that’s at 203,700 zero zero one sl silverleaf already you Remington, 2,207 square feet. Two hundred and 14,700 New home construction Oklahoma City. Audio_09_24_2018_12_42_57
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