New home construction Oklahoma City | Manchester Bay
New home construction Oklahoma City | The Right Size
A session to chase a like November 15th, Admin, new homes. We’re going to go through the inventory lists. We have zero, zero, one CC, Crystal Creek 80 one addison this 1,857 square feet, 226,000. Then there’s zero, zero one cm, crystal creek. Manchester is a m one amber, 1,740 square feet at $194,800 and you have zero, zero one cm. Crystal Creek, Manchester has one. New home construction Oklahoma City Ashton, 1,554 square feet, $184,700, zero zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester Bay one bay with 1,377 square feet. One hundred and $76,600. Zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek Manchester be I won Birkdale 1,487 square feet. One hundred and 81,500 Edmond new homes, zero zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester, ca one in Cambridge, 1,721 square feet. One hundred 90, 1,900 zero, zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester Da, 1000, 1,525 square feet, 186,200 zero, zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester de [inaudible] du Dewberry, 1,806 square feet. Hundred Ninety $9,300 in new homes.
Zero zero one cm, crystal creek, Manchester del [inaudible], Delaware, 1,793 square feet, $195,800, zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester, one Ellington, 1,941 square feet, $202,500 under the new homes. Zero zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester, [inaudible] liberty 1,996 square feet 203,600 zero, zero one cm, Crystal Creek, Manchester and [inaudible] Newport 2,121 square feet, 209,300 had been new homes. So there’s there a one cm, crystal creek, Manchester, Rtu, Remington, you 2,207 square feet. Two hundred and $20,300. The new homes, zero zero one sl Silverleaf am one amber, 1,683 square feet, hundred and 89,200 zero zero one sl silver leaf has fallen to 1,499 square feet. One thousand 709,100 zero, zero one SL silver leaf bay, one bay would 1,336 square feet under and 71,000 Edmond new homes, zero zero one sl silver leaf be I won Birkdale 1,424 square feet. One hundred and 75,900 zero zero one sl silver leaf ca one cambridge, 1,662 square feet. One hundred and 86,300 had been a new homes. New home construction Oklahoma City Zero zero one SL silver leaf tea, one Dawson, 1,525 square feet, hundred and 80,600 zero zero one sl Silverleaf [inaudible] dewberry, 1,806 square feet. A hundred 93,700 editor. New homes. Audio_11_12_2018_16_37_59
Jay scott, session three November 14th, and we’re going to go over some different inventory and different things going on with shot porn. You remember that? Admin new homes. It’s really cold outside right now and I’m looking at a couple different colors right now. So we got the Harper Grey and put that up there. So let’s get back to the list of the new homes. So we’re going to start off with a zero. Zero one SL Silverleaf Ellington, 1,876 square feet. Hundred Ninety 6,900 zero zero one sl silver leaf [inaudible] one liberty, 1,932 square feet, hundred 98,000. Then we have zero zero one sl Silverleaf [inaudible] liberty 1,932 square feet under $98,000. Zero zero one SL Silverleaf New home construction Oklahoma City 2048 square feet $203,700. Zero zero one sl Silverleaf Reu, Remington, 2,207 square feet. Two hundred and $14,700. Yeah, zero, zero one TV to some village am one. Amber, 1,683 square feet, hundred $95,700, zero zero one TV, Tucson villages.
Okay, and we’re going to continue going through the list. A zero, zero, one TV to some village has fallen and 1,499 square feet, $185,600. Zero zero one TV to some village, Bay one bay, 1,323 square feet. One, one, seven, seven, $500, zero, zero. One Tucson village be won Birkdale, 1,424 square feet. A hundred $82,500, zero zero one TV to some village, ca one Cambridge, 1,652 square feet, 192,911 new homes, zero zero TV to some village in New home construction Oklahoma City One thousand 806 square feet. Two hundred thousand 700 zero, zero one TV to some village Ellington, 1,876 square feet. Two hundred and $30,900. Zero zero. One TV, Tucson village. Oh, I won liberty 1,932 square feet, $240,500 admin new homes, zero zero one TV, Tucson village, and Newport 2048 square feet, 210,200 zero zero TV to some village. RTU Remington, you 2,270 square feet. Two hundred and 21,400 Edmond new homes. Audio_11_12_2018_16_43_23
J session for a November 15th session for argument that Edmond new, we were going to go through a couple of houses. Check those out. One, it’s we’re walking through the street. You have a standard door on here, so six panel and then we’re going to go to the left and uh, you have some upgraded tile. It’s an Amazonian cave cove and that is in the entryway and halt there. And uh, then you have the two bedrooms where it has the included a carpet on there, Edmond new homes and now we’re walking from the entry hall into the, uh, into the living room and it has a vaulted ceiling and that’s beautiful and open and it goes from the living room all the way into the kitchen. New home construction Oklahoma City we have a fireplace. So that’s a very popular upgrade. I had been new homes and all the doors are locked and we have some standard doors there and you have a very standard kitchen in there.
And now we’re in the master bedroom. It’s a nice and large master bedroom and people like it as new homes. And now we’re in the large master closet. And walking through to the utility room and those are really nice features to have. So what we do with people is that, uh, they do a model home tour and this way they can, uh, check out and see what they like in a home, what they don’t like in a home. And it’s uh, it’s very important to remember because this way you can check out all the things that you like and possibly don’t like and you can figure out real quick for the builder that you’d like to, to be with them in new homes. Just walked outside and we have the New home construction Oklahoma City, things going on here. If you had the garage doors and all those nice things and lp smart siding and it’s cold outside and it’s s h a w a h o m e s Dot Com.
One, two, five, eight, six months, six months. New home construction Oklahoma City there’s no. We’re watching the back of the tooth, the main office and the new homes. And we’re going to go through some of those. Your well warrantied home, 10 year structural warranty, two year mechanical. And your once he brought to you by shaw homes in house warranty department, backs by Liberty Mutual Insurance, Edna, new homes to the preserve. We have a block for one aunt who that are available and those are the Epe and uh, they have some different plans there. And then you have black three, which is available that we’ve opened up and we’ve opened up one lot, two lot, three lot, four lot five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 Admin, new homes. So we’ve opened up all of those. And so you have 32 home sites available there. And, uh, it looks like we’re going to have, you know, several more available. It looks like almost about $100. So we’ll have plenty of those to go around to Admin, new homes. Audio_11_12_2018_16_51_16
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