New Home In Edmond Oklahoma | We Have Your Back
Shar Holmes is one of the best new construction companies when it comes to our process, our options and our opportunities as a whole. We’ve got some amazing options, amazing locations, different fixtures and finishes and light item things that you can get pricing on as you walk through our process. That’s something that I feel like I get the chance to remind a lot of buyers of on a daily basis to kind of show off what exactly can be done and what they have the option to choose from when it comes to their new home and their new home opportunity. When you get the chance to walk through your homes, our very first thing in our very first priority is mainly focusing on what options we have for you and what options you can choose to build from. There’s a lot that goes into the new construction process. There’s a lot that goes into New Home In Edmond Oklahoma as a whole. And whenever we get the chance to meet with you and connect with you, we get we really try to go over all the options with you and alongside you. Now that can be applied, whether you’re looking at new homes and edmen, new home construction in OKC, new construction homes in Edmond and all of those different areas in the new construction process. More than anything, what we try to do and what we try to maintain when it comes to new construction and new new home opportunities is all of the amenities that you’re getting, the different locations that you’re getting. Options in like today, I get the chance to go, I got the chance to go over some locations with the buyer and kind of showing them what options we have per location, what amenities we have per location.
And whenever we get the chance to show those off and walk our buyers through those options, they really get to see the benefit of building and purchasing with us because for us, it’s not just a home. We really try to do what we can to build a community and build a great community standards in those locations. It’s an amazing opportunity that we have when it comes to shore to be able to show off, Hey, look, we’re not just building your home. We want to build a community around you and we want to build and establish a very high valued community around you to make sure that you understand we’re here to take care of you in the long run, not just right now. It’s an amazing option that we really do everything that we can to incentivize into opportunities. Whenever we get, we meet with you. And that also comes into play with our process and our steps that we have for the new construction, a new home opportunity structure as well. So that’s something we love getting the chance to go over. And I love getting the chance to to set as a good standard in our New Home In Edmond Oklahoma process is just walking our buyers through them. So our very first step, which is one of my favorites and one of the best steps that we offer is called the Model Home Tour. So our desire in this step and our desire in this process, more than anything, is to get our buyers and get our clients in our home to kind of see what exactly the floor plans that we have, the functions that we have of the the layouts, the opportunities that people get within these homes and within these options to kind of see and choose and pick from the next one from there. We’ve got some pretty amazing opportunities for. Excuse me for your financing. When we get you financed, basically what that is, that goal in mind whenever we walk you through that, whether you’re looking at new homes in Edmen, new home construction and you see new construction homes in Edmond, these areas that you’re very active in that we here at your homes are very active in our goal. More than anything is to walk you through, set a good explanation and a good understanding of what’s to be expected for these homes and these amenities and these opportunities. Because we’ve got a lot, we’ve got a lot of opportunities and we want to make sure that you’re getting a good breakdown of what the monthly payment looks like, what that looks like for you and your home and how exactly that works in regards to your process.
Because every buyer has a different monthly payment, every buyer has a different structure and a different interest rate that they’re going to get because their finances, everyone’s finances are different. So we really try to tailor and focus our process in the financial side to what works best for you and how exactly that works pertaining to what your needs and your financial status is. Because everybody can afford a different home, everybody’s got a different number that they are really focusing on for that monthly payment or if you’re paying cash, that total monthly payment or that total payment as well. And then the third step, which is one of yet again one of my favorites. I think a I joke in every step is my favorite because every step brings to light new options and new opportunities that we’re we’re showing off to our buyer and we’re showing what we can do for you. With that being said, more than anything, our next step. Excuse me. Is the land in the location that basically being kept in mind is the area that we’re going to put your home? So if you’re building from scratch, whether you’re looking at New Home In Edmond Oklahoma, new home construction in OKC, new construction homes in Edmond, we’ve got a bunch of different locations and a bunch of different areas that we’re actively building in. And in these areas, we offer obviously different homes to whether you’re if you’re wanting a corner, if you’re wanting a Cul-De-Sac, if you’re wanting a greenbelt, depending on what you’re wanting and what you’re needing, we’re going to go over that. We’re going to find that option for you and break that down what it looks like. Totally. And after we break that down, then you’re able to get a good insight and you’re able to see and have some good information into what that looks like.
Well, with your home on it and we can measure the home site more than anything, this this step of our process is to block your competing block, competing customers from stealing the home safe from you. Obviously, that’s something that we don’t want to happen, but I’m just one of many different salespeople or people on our sales team here at Shaw. And for me, my goal as a whole is to make sure that I’m putting your needs first. I want to make sure that I’m blocking and beating my other sales team from taking maybe a home from you or having their buyers take a home site from you. That’s not what we want to do, because whenever that land and not plot of land is gone, it’s cannot be recreated. I mean, we we can’t, we can’t recreate. I can recreate the same home over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. We can build it the same and we have done for the thousands upon thousands of homes that we’ve built. But the other factor in the other key important ingredient is the land itself and not the home side that faces that certain direction that you love and the the. Backyard that you love and the opportunities within that same home state that you love, I mean, there’s so much that goes into it. So for us here, shore, I mean, once you find that home site, once you find that perfect plot of land that you’re on, our goal then is to basically make sure that you understand, you know, that it’s not going to change. You can change your floor plan a bunch if you like, but and when you find that perfect home site that fits all your needs fits all your necessities. We want to make sure that we’re saving it just for you and then making sure that everybody else is blocked from taking it. So that’s our third step and the first step, and it comes to the the best part, in my opinion, to be over the whole process. That stuff basically then is. Basically, more than anything is picking on you and your designs and your options in your home. When you get the chance to do that, when you get to the chance to pick out your designs, pick out your your options that you’re putting in your house and in your home from there basically, then it’s an amazing opportunity that we see you get the chance to start creating your home on paper more than anything. I think it’s so much fun. I mean, I love getting the chance to start designing and creating a home, absolutely beautiful home with some amazing options and amazing opportunities. It is so much fun to be able to put, see people and have their creative side come out when picking out their options for their home and putting it all together and seeing it come to fruition in a home of their sitting in their home that they’ve built.
So I love getting the chance to show that off and show that to my buyers to be able to to give them some insight and some information into what we can do for them and what we can do for their process as a whole and their new construction opportunities. It’s really fun and that can be applied whether they’re looking at New Home In Edmond Oklahoma, new home construction in OKC, new construction homes in admin and different things like that. So there’s a lot of opportunities, lots of opportunities when it comes to certain locations that they’re looking at. And also, the opportunities that come up come alongside would be the want to build or if they’re one mark or any different stuff like that, because all of that can be applied for their market ready or, excuse me, their New Home In Edmond Oklahoma process. So with that being said, that step number four, also we really focus on nailing down their options that they want to add into their home because it’s not just the colors that we really try to maintain is the selections that buyers get to make for their home. So it’s like whether they want certain light fixtures, whether they want certain cabinets, if they want more cabinets, if they want tile throughout the house, if they just want it in certain areas, what kind of faucets they want, what kind of door handles, doorknobs. What kind of paint colors. Other things like that, like the different options that may not be, you know, as glamorous as picking colors out? Maybe. But it still is just so fun to walk our buyers through that to kind of show, Hey, this is this is what can be done for you. And these are the options that go into your your home that you get to select from. And once we’ve finalized all of those, once we’ve figured out what really works best and for that for those locations, for that area, for those opportunities, then from there it’s the purchase agreement. And basically at this time, it’s when we sign everything and we help you move forward and we start building your beautiful new home and. We get really excited because we start to see the fruition of your labor and all of the selections that we’ve made for you. Your new show home.
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Tulsa: (918) 731-3280
OKC: (405) 241-5257