New Homes Edmond Oklahoma | Number One In Custom Homes In Ok
For those looking for new homes Edmond Oklahoma, then you may be wondering why anybody would recommend a shaw home to you. we can help answer that because here at Shaw home for the highest and most reviewed custom home builder in Oklahoma for one thing. For another we’ve been building home since 1985 so that means for over three and a half decades we have been building high-quality homes of Distinction for the residents of Oklahoma. We have custom-built homes all throughout the Tulsa Metro in Oklahoma City metro area including Edmond and we have a mask 37 different communities in these areas. People love Shaw Homes because we build high-quality homes of Distinction and we also developed long-lasting relationships was our homeowners as part of the shaw family.
So when it comes to new homes Edmond Oklahoma many people come to us simply because of the fact that we provide such incredible homes they’re beautifully designed and high-quality. What are the top reasons people that come to Shaw Homes is because they have such a great experience with our model home tour and they were so impressed with our homes and our home specialist and what we can provide as far as Quality Homes and customer service that they want to go with us? We’re the largest collection fully furnished and decorated Model Homes of any other home builder in Oklahoma. You can sign up for a model home tour with Shaw Homes at any time, 7 days a week and it is completely free. Many people find it whether or not they build the shaw that are model home tours over is the single most helpful thing they did during their home shopping experience.
Not only can we provide you a model home tour when you’re trying to find new homes Edmond Oklahoma, to help you find exactly what you’re looking for, but we can also provide you with Incredible and sinners as well. Whenever you buy a Manchester series home you get a free master bath shower upgrade completely for free and we will also pay the closing cost in addition to that. If you’re buying a hairdo series home for most and we can also pay $15,000 towards the closing price on that home.
These are just a few of the ways that we like to make sure that we provide the best service in the best homes in Oklahoma. We also offer 3 warranty include your mechanic or anyone hear everything warranty in addition to making sure that we provide you with more floor plans and anybody else so that we can custom build your home within one of our communities or even off-site.
If you’re interested to see what we can do for you here at Shaw Homes and make sure you get in touch with us as soon as possible at918-688-5660 or you can always go to our website at at any time at your own Leisure to look through photo galleries and customer testimonial videos as well.
New Homes Edmond Oklahoma | Number One In Custom Homes In Ok
When it comes to the people looking for new homes Edmond Oklahoma, then you’re not going to find a better home builder in Oklahoma that builds Custom Homes then Shaw Homes. Based out of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma we’ve been building Custom Homes all throughout the greater Tulsa area and the Oklahoma City metro area including Edmond since 1985. In the last three and a half decades we have created 37 different Shaw Homes communities throughout these two areas and that is a testament to how much people love our homes. In fact we reviewed the most reviewed custom home builder in the state of Oklahoma.
One of the reasons people come to us for New Home in Edmond Oklahoma is the fact that we in addition to building high-quality beautiful homes of Distinction we also provide three incredible warranty on top of that. We provide a 10-year structural warranty a two-year mechanical warranty and we also give you a one-year everything warranty to cover your home. We consider you part of the show Family and we develop long-lasting relationships with our home buyers and that is one of the reasons people choose us also.
So when it comes to new homes Edmond Oklahoma and make sure that you choose a high-quality custom home builder with a great reputation such a Shaw Homes. You can start the process by setting up one of our Shaw Homes model tours. We’re the largest collection of fully furnished and decorated Model Homes if anybody else in Oklahoma. Is Taurus free any day of the week for anybody, and you can take it with one of our own specialist who can guide you through many of our most popular floor plans through these model homes.
In addition that we also offer you better and sooner so whenever you come to us and you buy a Manchester series home, we will pay the closing cost on that as well as give you a master bath shower upgrade for free. On the Heritage series side of things whenever you buy one of our heritage homes then you also will be getting $15,000 towards the closing price of your home from us as well. We’re always happy to help you so make sure you contact us!
If you like to take advantage of the incredible offers and high-quality homes that we have here at Shaw Homes they make sure you give us a call today. You can get in touch with us at 918-688-5660 at any time, you can also check on our website. On the website you can find video customer testimonials, photo galleries, move-in-ready homes ready for purchase, and you can also find our home buyers Corner which is going to give you lots of tools and resources for home buyers on there as well. Visit us at where you can find all these resources and more including getting in touch with us there with any questions comments or concerns.
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Tulsa: (918) 731-3280
OKC: (405) 241-5257