New Homes Edmond | This Can Be Really Great
Shaw has such an amazing process when it comes to getting our buyers information on what’s to be expected. It’s something that I try to communicate to the best of my ability with every buyer I get the chance to work with. But more than anything, it breaks down how our process works, what it looks like, getting information and how that works to benefit each and every buyer involved. There’s a lot that goes into it, kind of, like I said, there’s a lot that goes into our process as a whole and a lot that we really make an effort to communicate. And there’s a lot that we really like to talk about with our buyers, whoever they come in. Like, for example, the other day, I’ve gotten the chance to talk to a buyer of mine that they’re getting the chance to build a home with us. It’s been such a wonderful process for them, but their biggest thing was they’ve checked out a couple other New Homes Edmond builders. They wait a couple of their builders and options to try to see, you know what, builder may have worked best for them kind of walking through the process. Different stuff like that. But they excuse me. They felt like they couldn’t get a straight answer. They couldn’t get the information that helped them the best when it came to the process. And just what’s to it, what’s to be expected. And basically, when I explain our process, it helped make so much sense, so much more sense to the buyer and helped them get a much better expectation of what’s to be expected when it comes to, excuse me, when it comes to our process and how we work to benefit them. I mean, all of the factors that are involved in our process.
So for them and again, whether they’re looking at New Homes Edmond, new homes in OKC, new construction in OKC, all these areas that we’re very actively building him. This is something that I really do my best to work alongside and communicate to the best of my ability with my buyers all that I can throughout our process. But that’s something I like to to keep in mind. And again, this is just it’s a big aspect of our our process. It’s a big part of our process that we communicate about. And then on top of that, we’ve got a really cool structure in mind as well that we really work to and again, just be open and transparent. That’s a really big factor about our homes that I love. Is there a very transparent company? We really work to do all that we can to communicate well and to go above and beyond in our communication and setting proper expectations. And you know, all the all the factors like that. So again, that’s something I like to do, something I like to communicate. But going from there, continuing forward from there, basically, and the very first step is quite simple, it’s very easy to work through. I absolutely love it. We’ve got a great process for our very first step. And with that being said, our very first step in our process mainly focuses on the model home tours. It’s for me, it’s making sure that I’m getting the right information from my buyers, figuring out and hearing exactly what they’re needing in regards to the new construction process and how that applies for their New Homes Edmond and some different stuff like that. Just basically how it applies to their new construction process. And once they once we get the chance to do that and once I get the chance to hear why they’re needing what they’re needing in regards to their home and their new home process, then I get the chance to go from there and I can really break down what we’ve got in regards to options for their home.
New home construction options, new home construction options, whether they’re looking at new homes in Edmond, new homes in OKC, new home construction in and in Edmond. I mean, these are all the areas that we’re very actively building in. We’re very active in in general when it comes to the new construction process. So again, that’s something I do that something I love being able to do with my buyers when they walk through the process as a whole. So that’s something that is done. And then on top of that, basically, again, my goal as a whole is to just make sure that my customers feeling heard, make sure that my buyers feeling heard and their needs are being met as a whole for all the options that we have when it comes to new construction. Different stuff like that. But basically, that very first step is more than anything focused on how our process applies to them. And it looks at basically looking at the function of the floorplan. We look at the flow of the floorplan. We figure out whether they’re needing three or four or five bedroom, two three four five bathroom, single storey or two storey, two car garage, three car garage, four car garage, two and a half car garage. I mean, we go through every option. We’ve got so many options for our buyers. That our process is really streamlined, it’s an amazing structure that I absolutely love that we have that more than anything just really focuses on. What we can do on behalf of our buyers to work, to benefit them more than anything. So again, it’s something that I love being able to do. I love being able to communicate and communicate well to the best of my ability, but that’s our very first step in our process that we again, we just walk people through, we walk our buyers through. It’s very easy, very wonderfully simple process, I think is so much fun. I love being able to show off what opportunities I have for my buyers, kind of show off what can be done in regards to their process and how that applies to their new home opportunity and some other factors like that. But then from there, and basically the very next step that I work to do with my buyers, I then make an effort, excuse me to. Do you go over the financial part, that’s another really big aspect to our process, it’s a very important aspect to our process what I try to communicate again as a whole. My goal is is to hear what my buyers need, hear what they want and then also show them and help get them the purchasing power that they have when it comes to the New Homes Edmond construction process. Because each and every buyer, they every buyer’s different, every buyer situation is different. Every buyer can afford something different. So basically what I try to do is I try to communicate well and get them connected with a lender because we have for that we use we have four preferred lenders that that people get an extra, buyers get an extra incentive.
If they use them, they’ll get, you know, an extra better monthly incentive that this is something that we do on a regular basis, that we really strive and work to go above and beyond with with our buyers. So that’s something I try to communicate as well, that it’s not just, you know, something that we’re doing right now. It’s. Excuse me, something that can benefit them in the future, too, so it’s more than a just now kind of thing and say here in the future as well. And more than anything, it helps them figure out their purchasing power and just how that applies to them in their process as a whole. So that way, whenever they do come through, they feel comfortable. They feel like they’re being heard. Their needs have been met in regards to the process, and they’re able to get a better idea of what can be applied to their new construction process and kind of what that looks like as a whole. So that’s something that I really like keeping in mind for new construction and new home construction admin, new construction in OKC, all that area. That extra, you know, information that we’re trying to get our buyers and we just try to show off that to the best of our ability when it comes to our New Homes Edmond construction process. So that’s something I like keeping in mind, something I like communicating to, you know, the best that I can. And that’s again, something that I love getting the chance to show off and incentivize and opportunities for my buyers, kind of making sure that they’re able to see the best of the best, get the best of the best when it comes to the new construction process and new home construction process and all that jazz. So again, that’s something that I love to keep in mind. I love to explain to my buyers and make sure that they feel like their needs are being met in their wants or being heard.
Those are the first two steps in our process, and the third step in our process is finding and picking up the land. I mean, that’s it’s so important picking up the the land and because we, you know, you don’t oh god, god’s not creating any more land, you only get the chance to finally, in one sense, something very important to to keep in mind in the new construction process as a whole is just the location. I feel like I’m explaining that to a lot of buyers. They get so focused in on the house, which is extremely important. But you also got to think of the land. I mean, the land, if you don’t have your land picked out, I mean, that’s one of the most important processes. It’s one of the most important steps that we I really make sure to show off to buyers and say, Look, you only get to pick land once you know this land is only going to be here once this is only going to be an option for a short time because once it’s gone, I mean, it is gone. It’s it’s such a unique feeling to explain to my buyers to kind of say, Look like you got to trust me. This is something that I deal with on a daily basis. I really want to work to benefit you. And more than anything, it’s just it’s an amazing opportunity that I love. Getting the chance to explain to my buyers can show that I’m more than anything here to work, to benefit them as a whole throughout each and every process. So again, just working more than anything to benefit every buyer, to show off what can be done for them and their process, and just how that applies when it comes to new construction alongside shore and stuff like that. So again, you always win when you get the chance to work with Shore and work alongside us here at Sha.
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