New Homes Edmond | This Home Is Great
I got the chance to kind of explain a little bit better about our process and just going over what the expectation we try to set for our New Homes Edmond buyers and communication properly. So that’s really important for a lot of our buyers. We want to make sure that we’re doing the best that we can to communicate, communicate well, that good and great expectations for the future and what’s to come. And when buyers see that we’re doing what we can and doing the best that we can to communicate and communicate well, I feel like they get the chance to really trust us more. And they see that we have their best interests in mind. We really want to try to do all that we can to go more their expectations and exceeding expectations, because I think that’s very important. I want to make sure that I’m doing that with each and every buyer. I want to make sure that I’m communicating well with each and every buyer to set a good expectation that a good understanding of what’s to come. Also to show do think this is how we do what we do and this is how it works in regards to our process and our structure, because every buyer and every builders understanding is a little different. Everybody has a different process. Everybody has a different structure and a different mindset that they really want to hear.
So for us here at Shell, we want to do the same. I want to communicate well respected expectations for my buyers. I’m sure what Shell can do with it is looking at New Homes Edmond and construction of new construction homes and all the different areas that coincide with that. However, I mean, there is a part, there’s a part of our process that we we really need to know in depth. There’s a lot that goes into new construction and making sure that I’m setting that expectation, that proper expectation, that proper understanding of what’s to come and how exactly that looks for new construction with Sha can be very different from, you know, maybe different builders and different understandings of what different builders do, because that’s really what it is. It’s understanding that the structure that shows us why we have it this way and how it benefits. You see the fire walk us through the process. We’re forced to have a good understanding of what’s to come and how that basically works to benefit and function for you, because that’s our goal. That’s the biggest thing. Here at shop, we do things to benefit our buyers. We do things to benefit our buyers and their process. So they have a good understanding of why we do what we do, how we do what we do, how it applies to them, how the structure benefits them as they walk through with us, and how exactly they’re able to see our process as a whole. Each every builder does things differently, like I just mentioned. So for us, our proper communication, our profit expectations are good understanding of what’s to come and why it’s done a certain way is the best way we know how to communicate that. But with that being said, in that mindset in mind, that’s why we have what’s called the five easy steps. That’s why we’ve created this, this path in this process to communicate that, to communicate that to our buyers and to set good expectations for what’s to come when you work with us here at homes, because I because the last thing I want to do is confuse buyers, confuse their process, confuse their understanding of what’s to come and find the way things are done a certain way. And that’s the last thing I want to do. I don’t want to confuse people. I want to make sure that they feel like they’re being kept in the loop. They did that understanding of why we do what we do and how that process applies to them. And then more than anything, when they feel comfortable, when they have that good understanding of our, our structure and our process and our understanding, then they feel protected. They feel like they’re being taken care of, which is the goal. I mean, that’s my mindset and my goal 100 percent of the time is to talk to them, set that good expectation, have that good understanding of, Hey, look, this is how we do it.
This is why we do it this way. So my goal is to communicate that properly with you, to set a good expectation. So that way you feel like you have a good understanding and you’re being protected and your and your process and the understanding of our process is being kept in mind for your structure. I mean, that’s really the biggest goal is communication. I feel like when people communicate and when everyone is on the same page in regards to our communication and our communication process, everyone wins. It’s a great opportunity. It’s like I said, it’s a huge win win for everyone involved. When everyone is feeling that they’re being kept in the loop and they’re being protected as a whole. I mean, that’s going to be the biggest thing overall. And that’s a huge part of our process. It’s very important part of our process. And when when I get the chance to communicate well and set a good expectation of what’s to come and how exactly that applies, then I’m getting the chance to to show really what I can do for my buyers and show how I can. Benefit them because it’s the goal benefiting people involved, working through a process, working through our guidelines to show what can be done, what can be done for every person involved, every involved to make sure that they feel protected, they feel like their process is being kept at heart and the mindset is being kept in the loop as well of like, Hey, this is this is our process. This is why we do what we do. And again, with that being said that that mindset involved and step number one, like I’ve talked about a little bit is called the Model Home Tour. So this is a tour, it’s quite literally meeting in person. I want to hear about why you need what you need, what your family needs, what their goal, what your goal in your next house is going to be for your family and why exactly you want things a certain way because I want to make sure I’m meeting that expectation and I’m getting that to you and getting you certain options in your house that are a necessity for you and your family. I’m going over what I can do for you and how exactly this place for your process. I’m making sure I’m setting good expectations for what’s to come and how exactly that applies for your home and what comes included in each home. Because each floor plan that we have to offer is different, that has different options that are inside of different options that come included and has a different, of course, different layout and a different structure than other homes. So for me, I will make sure I communicate that I want to make sure that you understand that this is the structure of this home and this is why that is and how exactly that applies to you. So that way you can feel, Oh, OK, so I know I’m for sure going to get this in this house. However, this house offers a different opportunity. This house has a different incentive that we can have, and I want to make sure that I’m getting the chance to have that and I’m getting a chance to show that off and show exactly what can be done for my, you know, for my family and how that applies to my family and different stuff like that. So again, for us, it’s just it’s all about setting the right expectations and communicating well. When we do that and when we set that expectation, well, everybody was happy. Everybody’s left happy because they feel like they’re being taken care of.
They got their their needs are being met and they’ve been hurt and the processes has been hurt. So that’s important to me and my my guiding through show homes. Guiding via social homes is that expectation that proper expectation that proper communication. And as soon as I get that, I feel like it’s a light bulb, like it’s a really cool, it’s really cool, whether they’re looking at New Homes Edmond you know, construction OKC new construction homes in Edmond, when they see that light bulb go off of how we really work to benefit them, it’s so fun because they get it. They understand it, they see. It’s just like I said, light bulb. They go, Oh my gosh, I get it. I understand. I see. So if I do this, this is how it’s going to benefit me. If I take this floor plan, this is what comes. If I do this, this and this, this is how this is going to work. And I can then go, Yes, exactly. You got it. That’s exactly a process. That’s our mindset, and that’s how our structure is. This is why we do it this way, because it benefits you. The goal is to constantly and consistently work, to benefit our buyers and to communicate well. Set a good expectation. And so they have a good understanding of what’s to come, how that applies to them, how that works to benefit them to that. That’s a huge part of the process. Like I keep saying, it’s all about the benefits we are wanting to benefit people. We don’t want to just somehow some come in, get a bit of sold on something that’s not at all what we’re going to do. We want to find something that people fall in love with that they know is going to work for them and their family they know is going to is going to benefit their kids in the future right now and in the future, they know they’re going to get a great deal out of it. They’re going to be able to have this included in their house. They’re going to be able to change this to benefit their family a little bit more in this war. Fam, like we go over everything, whether that they’re looking at New Homes Edmond construction or the new construction homes and anywhere the market is going and we here at Shaw really focus on the people. That’s a big goal for us.
It’s a big part of our process is the people that’s who we keep in mind. So we want to benefit and that’s where we want to protect as they walk through the process in the New Homes Edmond home structure with us. When we do that, we remain consistent with our communication and staying on top of that process and making sure our buyers are protected as they walk through the process. Then we hear it show as a whole. We will begin to build a beautiful house for amazing people. They get to show them what we can do for them and why we see things a certain way. And then on top of that, we get the chance to get to walk them through our process and our structure and show exactly how it benefits them, because that’s the goal. Benefits, benefits for people, benefits for our buyers and showing off just why Shell has been in the business for almost 40 years. Because that’s the thing. We’ve been here for almost four years in this market and in this industry. So where we’re getting the chance to show off and say, Hey, this is what we can do for you, it’s a big goal for us. We want to be able to consistently do that and always have an option for some of our amazing people and our amazing buyers to get them in a beautiful new home.
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