New Homes in Broken Arrow | What We Have to Offer
Speaker 1: (00:01)
So you’re looking to find the best new homes in Broken Arrow that Tulsa has to offer. Looking to build that new home in broken arrow, Oklahoma will look no further than Shaw homes founded by Glen Shaw. Shaw homes was formed in 1985 with the intent to build a quality new homes in broken arrow, the greater Tulsa area south Telsa in 20 19 34 years later, Shaw homes has now become the largest home builder in the Tulsa area. They’re responsible for building thousands of homes and are currently building new homes in broken arrow, pick SPE GenX. I NOLA Verdigris WASO, south Tulsa, north Tulsa, and all over broken arrow, including the Oklahoma city market goals come. And they go in the life cycle of any company that sticks around for more than a decade. Being based in broken arrow. Oklahoma Shaw homes is no different after decades of knowledge, building growth and experience Glen Shaw rewrote the company mission statement, and it’s as follows.
Speaker 1: (01:49)
I pray that God will increase our sales, help us deliver an excellent customer experience and help us to represent him the way we should so that we can invest in his work and bless others. And that includes helping people build new homes in broken arrow, Oklahoma, like all companies, Shaw homes, desires, continued growth. However, the focus is fully on making sure that their buyers have the best new home purchase experience that they can possibly encounter. Everything. Shaw homes does is directed at ensuring all expectations. Both sides of the home plan are clear for someone buying a new home in broken arrow, Oklahoma,
Speaker 2: (02:59)
Creating an environment of information, sharing and communication and transparency in a construction enterprise. As complicated as new home construction is difficult to say the least
Speaker 2: (03:17)
And average new home job site can experience the labors of over 200 people. Dirt gets moved by someone architecture, surveying, pest treatment, sand plumbing, concrete post-tension foundation. And of course the structure of the home and more are all involved just to get forward movement on the home itself. This is where Shaw homes stepped back and looked at everything that they do. I mean everything. Every single step of every process has been inspected for its good and for its bad aspects in the building process, the question where does a customer’s awareness or perception become involved in each and every action the builder takes was asked a thousand times expectations of everyone for each step of the building process has been examined to ensure mutual understanding would be the glue that bonds a happy customer with a professional new home construction company. Our goal was simply to be the best new home construction in broken arrow, Oklahoma and the Tulsa region in our mission to keep our customers informed Shaw homes created and implemented a system that keeps each and every buyer up to date on the status of their new home and what to expect over the next seven days.
Speaker 2: (05:33)
There are a lot of milestones in the building of a new home in broken arrow. That means something entirely different to the buyer than they do to the builder. When the roof goes on, we know we’re close to closing it up and drying everything out. Just another stage of construction. Our customer feels like they’re seeing their home for the first time. And that’s something very, very special to manage every single step of building a new home in broken arrow, Oklahoma shot homes committed to a home construction software package of immense proportions. As the saying goes, what you can’t measure, you can’t manage. So Shaw homes took this to heart and learned more than they thought possible. After building new homes in broken arrow, Oklahoma for over 30 years, Aaron antice the company’s director of sales and marketing. He had this to say about building a new home in broken arrow, Oklahoma.
Speaker 2: (06:55)
He said focusing on their customers per sec perspective for everything is a step. Every company in the world should take within an incredible amount of past customer experiences to draw on the shock teams, went to work, looking at everything through the buyer’s eyes in a new age of building excellence was ushered in and now is here to stay. Our customers want choices. So we gave them choices. Shaw homes currently offers 83 floor plans more than enough to fit the tastes of just about any and every home buyer looking to build a new home in broken arrow, Oklahoma, add to the mix, the ability to customize each floor plan with an offering of over 440,000 pre priced options. In our design studio, Shaw homes was successful in creating an environment of customer satisfaction through offering these personal choices. Glen Shaw is committed to the customer experience 100% and he had this to say when asked about the company’s approach, the process of building a new home in broken arrow, Oklahoma is complicated for a builder, but rarely do builders think of how complicated and involved it could be for the home buyer.
Speaker 2: (08:53)
Every step on the schedule of a home is most likely foreign to the average person, just about everyone has heard of framing the home, but what they don’t know is how the process is done and the massive amount of information and choices that go before it, we’ve taken the complicated and overwhelming and created a process. We call your path to your new Shaw home for every one of our buyers that simplifies it. All. This should be complicated for us because it’s our job to look at every detail, but it should be comfortable for the people buying our homes because for them it’s an adventure for most. It’s their dream home process. It’s something they thought about for years or perhaps even decades. And now it’s time for those thoughts to become a reality. We’ve simplified it. We’ve sanded off the rough edges to make it more about the journey and less about the sweat building a new home in broken arrow. Oklahoma no longer has to be a stress filled process. Now that it’s become refined, polished, easy to follow process, anyone and everyone can now understand without complication the pathway to building a new homes in broken arrow, Oklahoma.
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Tulsa: (918) 731-3280
OKC: (405) 241-5257