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Did you know that she has one of the best processes when it comes to building new construction opportunities when you’re wanting to get in her home? We’ve got a lot of different options for a lot of different buyers who are looking for a lot of different things. We want to make sure that we’re going above and beyond and offering those options and this opportunities for them as they walk through a process that more than anything, we’ve got one of the best structures and the best opportunities for our buyers when they work alongside us and when they work with us. And the main thing with that being said is our focus on what’s called the five easy steps. So a lot of different marvelously things very differently, and they have very different processes that they follow. But for us here at SHA. Our main goal, more than anything, is we really want to make sure that we are following steps that we have in mind and these steps, whether you’re looking at New Homes In Edmond new construction homes in new construction, OKC or New Homes In Edmond in these areas. We’re very actively going in and basically we go through the same steps and we have the same structure, no matter where you build and what you build with us. And we do this in mind more than anything to protect the buyer. This is a great way that we’re able to go over the options and go over the structure that we have to then make sure that you feel like you’re being taken care of and your needs are being met.
Because the more that we get the chance to do that, the more that we’re getting the chance to go over that with our buyers and go over that with you working alongside us, cherish the better I feel about the process as a whole and basically what exactly that looks like and just how we’re here to structure everything is as well as we possibly can and show you that our steps and our process has been extremely and thoroughly thought out. And we’ve done this so many times. We’ve done this a few hundred times. Sometimes if we’re being honest over the span of almost 40 years, it’s something that I love. Getting the chance to do with all of my buyers is just showing off and setting great expectations for what’s to come and what we do for them and why we do certain things a certain way. But really, more than anything, our goal and our process is done so that we are doing the best to get the best information and showing off exactly what can be done for our buyers and for their process as a whole.
So whenever we do that, whenever we go above and beyond and that structuring that process and we’re able to say, Look, this is what we can do for you, this is why we do certain things. This is just how we structure our process. And then when I’m when I’m able to do that for for my buyers, when I’m able to do that for those that are looking at it and looking at new construction, then for me as a whole, I’m then also getting the opportunity to set a better standard, a higher expectation for what the construction looks like and what the process looks like. Because for me, something that’s very important to me in regards to our structure and our process is the communication aspect of it and making sure that our buyers are understanding and getting a great idea for the expectations that have been set for their home. I think that’s very important for me, for every person involved. That’s extremely, extremely important step in our process and it’s an extremely important step in our procedure and going through this with buyers and making sure that they’re hearing exactly what can be done for them, hearing exactly what we have to offer for their new construction process and why we do things a certain way, why we do things the way that we do. Just so that way they can get a better understanding of how we’re here to protect them and work alongside them as a whole. I mean, for me, that’s very important and it’s extremely valid, and I want to make sure that I’m communicating to the best of my ability through the process that I’ve got here with Shaw and what that looks like working alongside us here at Sha. Because whenever I get the chance to do that, whenever I get the chance to set our higher expectation, a better expectation for our process, then I’m really getting the chance to say, Look, I care about you as the buyer, I care about your process and I want to make sure that you are feeling protected through this process and you’re feeling validated in your needs are being met. Excuse me, throughout all the options that we have to offer. And more than anything, whenever I get the chance to do that, whenever I get the chance to show off what I can do for buyers, then I feel like they trust me more. And that’s my goal is to gain a great working relationship with my buyers and a great functioning trust with them as well. Just to continue this working relationship as a whole with each and every buyer that I get the chance to work with more than anything with the focus on or five easy steps in the process that we we get the chance to talk about. It’s a pretty amazing structure that we’ve got that I love walking buyers through. More than anything, I feel like this has been designed to really benefit them so that they have a better understanding of exactly what’s going on in their home, as well as what the beginning stages of the process are.
So like how they get the chance to pick out a home, how they get the chance to work alongside us whenever they’re getting their finances figured out if they haven’t already. It also boils down to the land they’re picking out and how that process works, as well as all the options they get for their homes and being able to to go through that in detail to explain that more than anything, it just helps to get our buyers a better understanding of what exactly they’re walking into with us, just how that structure works so that they feel protected as a as the buyer, just understanding. It’s just like how you know you’re either your mom or you as a mom yelled to your kids upstairs and say, Hey, you can get in the car. Their first question’s always, Where are we going? So for us, this is the best way for us to say, Hey, this is where we’re going and stating, like, Hey, let’s hop in the car together. This is what we’re going to do. This is where we’re going. This is the process that we have, and this is why we have the process that we have. So it gives our buyers a better understanding moving forward. More than anything, I’m really big on communication where they are looking at New Homes In Edmond and new home construction in OKC, new construction homes. And I’ve been I’m huge on communication. I think it’s extremely important. It’s very, very important throughout the entire process to make sure that the communication is as open as possible. That’s very important to us. It’s very important to our process and our structure. And I really make sure to the best of my ability that I’m properly communicating and properly setting good expectations for the buyers. Because whenever I get the chance to do that, whenever I get the chance to talk to them about what’s going on, then they as a whole feel like they’re being taken care of and they have a better understanding of what’s to come and what’s to be expected.
And I mean, of course, on top of that, more than anything, I feel like whenever we talk to buyers and we set good expectations and have much better understandings of their process as a whole, then they really feel like you’re being taken care of. They feel like their their needs are being met. They they feel like their voice is being heard through the process. And whenever we get the chance to do that, that makes makes for happier buyers in our new home construction in OKC and New Homes In Edmond and new constructions in Edmond, Oklahoma. I mean, these areas are very important and we want to do our best to provide the best options and the best incentives and the best opportunities in all locations. So that’s something to to keep in mind that something to that we communicate as well instead of a higher standard of when it comes to communication, when it comes to our process and all of the options that are included and are as basically an opportunity as a whole. So that’s something to keep in mind. Again, more than anything, it’s just a process that we follow and we have that process for a reason. And but I just like reminding buyers and making sure that they understand that this process and their structure is made and is has been designed in order to protect them. And it’s also made in order to provide opportunities and make sure that they understand that we’re here.
Obviously, we want to build a great working relationship with them, and we want to make sure that we are providing new and amazing opportunities for them so that when we do get the chance to do that, then they are getting the chance to see exactly what our our priorities are as a whole and what our priorities are as when it comes to new construction, when it comes to our new construction process and how exactly we we really try to benefit every person involved and we really make sure that we are working alongside each and every buyer throughout their entire process and throughout their entire structure to be able to see exactly what can be done for them and to see exactly what their process is when they work with us and how exactly we work to benefit them and different stuff like that. Because for each and every buyer, there’s something different and there’s a different process that we really try to adhere to. And there’s a different structure.
That we we make sure that they’re walking them through, whether they’re looking at New Homes In Edmond and new home construction and see new construction homes in these very active areas of construction. But for us, it’s I mean, it’s very important. It’s something that we do on a regular basis. It’s a structure and a process that we’ve got and that we absolutely love. But we want to make sure that people understand they have a better idea of and a better understanding of. And I absolutely love being able to to walk buyers through and show that, look, I’m here to benefit you. I’m here to work alongside you and make sure that you are getting a better understanding of what construction looks like as a whole and how I’m here to work to benefit your process and more than anything, whenever the buyer wins when it comes to new construction. Then we hear it, shall we, when we get the chance to build a beautiful home for a wonderful buyer?
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