New Homes In Edmond | You Can Achieve Something Awesome
Did you know that Shaw Homes is a really cool process when it comes to working with our clients and our realtors? It’s not just one person or one specific buyer that we’re looking for or looking to work with. We really love getting the chance to work with everyone that comes through our doors. Whenever we do that, whenever we get the chance to connect with our buyers and connect with those that are wanting to build and purchase with us. We get the chance to really meet some needs and go above and beyond with the expectations that we set. But also, we get the chance to do that with our realtors, too. I get the chance to work with some amazing realtors looking at a bunch of different locations, a bunch of different amenities, and then from there we get the chance to show off what can be done for those buyers and setting expectations. But a big factor. A lot about what I do, especially in this industry, is I get the chance to work with amazing realtors. There’s a lot of different realtors that I’ve gotten the chance to connect with. There’s a lot of realtors that I’ve gotten the chance to get to know and gotten a chance to make a friend more than anything. And this can be applied to new homes in Edmond. New home construction in OKC, new construction homes in OKC. All the areas that were very actively building in and purchasing. And we really try to do everything that we can to connect with our buyers and exceed their expectations that they have for us when it comes to our process. Just because every boulder’s different, I’ve had a representative ask the other day, You know what? Such a part and a lot of that, whether you’re looking at new homes in Edmond, new home construction in OKC, new construction homes in Edmond, these areas we’re building and we’ve gotten also gotten the chance to expand to. We do things a lot differently than every other builder down there. Some builders are truly just spec basically, meaning they just build makhani homes. It’s a great option because, you know, it’s a market ready home that’s new. So it’s nice if somebody is looking for that in a certain area. But the problem is a lot of the problems that we see and the problems that we’re seeing those builders run into is they their homes look the same. There’s no change.
There’s no customization. There’s no versatility when it comes to these homes and everything looks the same. And everything that you see is an extra cost on the home and it’s a higher price to build these homes. There’s a lot of options that we hear a have that you can build one of our homes for a very good cost. You can stay very, cost efficient. You’re able to come in and find a floorplan that fits you. See what that cost is? Figure out what the monthly payment is, different stuff like that. And then from there, we’re able to. Give you what options you can add in if you like it comes with a lot of included features already. And then from there you can add and if you like to, you can add into the home. So that’s a really fun feature. I love getting the chance to to show off and say, Look, this is this is already how the home is going to come with all the options that you see here included. So for me, I’m getting the chance to then say, these are what’s included. Here’s what you can add in. And if you’d like to, here’s the exact cost of what that would be. To add that in for us, it’s not just, Hey, you know, here’s this floor plan. Take it or leave it. These are the colors is the option these selections that you get? Do you want it? Nope. All right. Cool. Do you want it? Yes. Right. We’ll sell it to you. That’s about it. That’s really all that they do. There’s not a lot of options. There’s not a lot of changing or restructuring to benefit you involved. And that’s something that for me, obviously, I’ve seen the side of custom and I’ve seen the side of spec. I think the best option for our buyers is offering something that is kind of a happy middle that in between that we offer in regards to, they get to pick their floor plan.
They get a lot of things that are included. They get a good base price, a good idea of what that price point would be. But then they also can add things on to it if they like and they have room for customization. And then also, we do offer Makhani options, so if they want market any like a market ready home. Or home not going to be complete within a certain timeline. We’ve got that we have that opportunity for them. We can show that up to them. We can show off basically what can be done for their new home options, their new home construction opportunities, different stuff like that, and something I love being able to do. And that’s something I love being able to show off to my buyers and saying, Hey, look, this is what we can do for you. This can this is what can be done for you in your process, in your new home, amenities and new opportunities. And just to make it even an even sweeter deal, we can also go above and beyond and do something extra for you if that’s something you’d like, if that’s something you’re wanting. So again, I love being able to do that. I love being able to offer that kind of show that off to my buyers and making sure that I’m giving them that awesome, awesome opportunity and showing off the amazing incentives and selections that they get to choose from.
So for me, I think it’s extremely fun. It’s a great process. It’s a really good structure that I’ve got in store for a lot of buyers, for a lot of those that are looking at new construction and new opportunities, new home amenities, all those opportunities like that. It’s a lot of really fun stuff. It’s a lot of really cool stuff, too. So with all that being said, there’s so much that I really try to go into with my buyer’s agent to set the right expectation. And then also. Having them understand whether they’re looking at new homes in Edmond, new construction in OKC, new construction comes in, have been new homes and I’ve been I mean, all those we’ve we’ve built in Tulsa for almost 40 years now. I mean, it’s amazing, and now we’re getting the chance to expand into our Oklahoma City market. It’s such an amazing opportunity that we’ve gotten, and it’s not just those locations as well. It’s not just Tulsa, it’s not just OKC. I mean, for us and Tulsa, we we’re expanding to a while. So we’re expanding further to Bixby with for building in broken arrow. We’re building in cheeks were built building in South Tulsa, we’re now building in North Tulsa. We’ve built in Glenn Paul. We’ve built. I know what we thought. I mean, like, you kind of ask where we’ve built and I can point you point a finger at the map and I can most likely say, Yep, that’s where we’ve built this space, especially in Oklahoma City. We build on the outskirts, we build an admin, we build obviously an OKC, we build in Yukon. Like I think we’re reaching out to Piedmont. Potentially there’s so many locations
Unidentified for new homes in admin. You construction OKC, new construction homes in Edmond that we
Speaker 1 actively expand to and are expanding to and more. Really, what that states is a testament to how we structure our expansion and our growth. We really want to make sure that we’ve got as many options as we can and the best options for all of our buyers when they come to us, when they’re wanting to get information from us, when they’re learning more about new construction.
Unidentified I mean, there’s a lot that goes into new construction, the new construction process. So for us, it’s something that’s
Speaker 1 really easy to do. It’s something that’s really fun for us to do. I love again, I love getting the chance and the opportunity to connect with my buyers, communicate well with them, set the best expectation that I know how to set. And then from there, they can see what can be done for them and for their process to follow alongside us. And I think when it comes to construction, people just are nervous just because they’re not familiar with it. It’s the unknown that kind of, I think, scares some people off, which is not at all what we want. My goal more than anything is to. Make sure I’m setting a good baseline of what’s expected and what’s to come for building so that way, I mean, I think as a whole, the more that we communicate, the more that we over communicate with each and every buyer, the better connection we have with their buyer, the happier our buyer is going to be. They feel like they’re being taken care of and they feel like their their needs are being met and their wants are being heard. And whether they’re looking at new homes in Edmond, new home construction in OKC, new construction homes in Edmond. That’s something I try to do consistently across the board as much as possible.
So when I’m getting the chance to do that, when I’m getting the chance to connect with my buyers, communicate with them properly, then we win is a home. That’s more than anything. When I do start that communicate that line of communication. The very first step for me and the my very first goal as a whole is to talk to my buyer, talk about what they’re needing, get to know them. I mean, create a wonderful working relationship with my buyer. That’s something that I actively try to do. I know that’s something that our sales team, we try to do every person on our sales team or we love working with people. And we are people, people, a people person. Excuse me, we’re very sociable. We love what we do. That’s why we’ve been doing this for so long. That’s why we’ve been a shop for so long and especially with me. I love the process that they have here working alongside shop when we work well alongside the company that we work for. We get the chance to then understand the process much better. We know it much better. We know how to word it and work it for our buyers so that they understand it and they have the communication set, the expectations set well, the understanding set. So whether they’re looking at new homes in Edmond new home construction in OKC, new homes in Edmond, all of the new construction options in Oklahoma City and Tulsa, we’re going over all the opportunities, setting the best expectation, and we make some really happy, really wonderful buyers in the wonderful new homes.
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