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new housing additions in tulsa ok | Moving Pieces Around

new housing additions in tulsa ok | Moving Pieces Around

The next staff and our process here at shaw homes is going to be the plan review as a plan review is a really important part of our process and i. Think it’s one of the steps in the process that other home builders really miss out on and was custom homes broken arrow I think it’s very important for our clients to know that making all of these decisions and going over all of these and its really to make sure everyone’s on the same page. Here it’s to make sure that everyonereally knows exactly how each piece of the puzzle is going to come together and that everyone knows exactly how these pieces are going to be laid out. new housing additions in tulsa ok

So not all of the selection decisions are final. It’s time for the plan with you. This is where you will meet with your construction manager, who you’re working with directly throughout the completion of your home. So you started with your new home specialist on the floor plan studio, where you work at the design consultants with all the selections in at home, with your construction manager, and this is going to be foreman youryou’re. Talking point from now on will be with a construction manager because they will be in charge of all of the different trays that will be working on your home to the plan review. Is our system of checks and balances to make sure that the person responsible for building the home has had all of the details of your home correctly relate relate to him to ensure a smooth process? new housing additions in tulsa ok

So at this point in time you won’t get with your construction manager and go over all of the things that are going to go into the completion of your home custom homes, broken arrow. It is important to have all of these checks and balances before the building process get started this time. At this point in time, your construction manager will go over all of the full size blueprints specifications and finishes with you, as well as the site plan and home placement. At this meeting. When is the meeting is completed, it is time to schedule excavation and get started in building your custom home, like I said this is really the most important part of the process is to go over everything completely so that you know exactly what is being worked on everyone’s on the same page and everything looks good. So, at this point, you’re ready to move on to step 8 I was custom homes, broken arrow. This is going to be the building process scheduled meetings with you. The first just called the pre drywall meeting. This was at the point in construction, where we are ready to go over with your construction manager. This is a great time to review everything in the home, because it’s easier to make an adjustment to something before the drywall drywall. The second meeting reschedule with you will be called the homeowner orientation meeting with custom homes, broken arrow. new housing additions in tulsa ok

This is where you get a room by room walkthrough. If your home, with your construction manager, work, he will help you to understand how everything in your new homework, you will learn how to ignite pilot light used appliances in mechanic falls. new housing additions in tulsa ok As well as a quality, assurance walk through the building process can be ass, lower part of the process for some, because it’s what really takes the longest so making your selections deciding your floor plan working on taking a short amount of time, but keep in mind the building should take the longest. This is going to take 6 months or so because we’re building your custom home. We wanted to be rice to be done for that. We are building the best and sturdiest home that we can build you, and so that’s why our process takes between 5 and 7 months of the building process, to visit the location and talk to your construction manager, about any questions that you might have, because we really want you to feel confident your custom homes broken arrow. new housing additions in tulsa ok

What is being built now, it’s time to move on to the closing. This is going to be approximately 30 days prior to your closing by emailing you a closing letter. It’s helpful information and instructions letter will have contact information for the different utility companies. You will need to contact in order to get service turned on in your name. Right onto step, 9 with custom homes, broken arrow step, 9 is going to be all those final decisions are all those all this final signatures and handoffs that are necessary approximately 30 days prior to your email with a closing letter, and it’s also got some helpful information and instructions for you. So you also have contact information for the different utility companies that you will need to contact in order to get that service turned on in your name. You have your closing at the title company office and all of the paperwork from shaw homes and custom homes broken arrow metal company will walk you through the paperwork making all of those last signatures and final signatures on I’m getting into your new home. So we see a lot of people get very, very excited at this point in the process, because you have been through all of this steps. You have made all of the decisions and you’ve seen your home really come together and at this point in time you you get to finally move in and you get to live inside of this home that you have from the ground to put your feet up and really get excited about living in your new home. You know the kid was get to finally move into their offense. You get to sit in front of that new, fireplace and cook dinner in your brand new kitchen and bring groceries to the pantry that you have. new housing additions in tulsa ok

This is just really going to be such an exciting time, because when you are building a custom home with custom homes, broken arrow you’re really getting a quality product here we are excited too, for you to experience that quality products as well. It’s something that you have been waiting on her probably 6 months and you’re, excited to to move forward and to get all moved in and and see all of the see, all the design selections new housing additions in tulsa ok that you made finally come together and it’s just a really exciting point in the process and we’re so excited for you at shaw homes and it custom, homes, broken, arrow and finally, the last staff is going to be step. 10 and step. 10 is going to be your warranty and we do have an in-house warranty department which really sets us apart from other builders. We are really excited that we have this because it is it’s something that is, that is different for other builders. Other builders, other builders, don’t have a warranty department in dark, souls ii is occurred if you don’t contact us for any needs and you’ll be contacted by our warranty coordinator at 60 days and again at 11 months. After closing, if you have any new housing additions in tulsa ok

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