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Oklahoma City new home construction | Different Places To Build

Oklahoma City new home construction | Find a Plot of Land

So here we are discussing a, another segment here at shaw homes. This is Jordan more and sevenoaks south in broken Arrow, Oklahoma. One of the features that we are talking about and that we are focusing on right now is edmond new homes. That’s right. We are, it’s been expanding our family into the Oklahoma City area and building shaw homes there as well. And so with that being said, what we’ve really focused on this week is just the simplicity that we have brought to the process of buying a new home. And so buying a shaw home has never been easier. It’s done in 10 easy steps and uh, this can be done to easily place where they have been, were there and also where they are going as well. So this is the path to the, Oklahoma City new home construction, to owning a new shah home. And for Admin new homes, this path is the same.

We might have a few different variations on which model homes you’ll visit, or maybe even preferred lenders will have to look into that. I’m not 100 percent sure on that information, but the process regardless, it’s still the same. And it’s 10 easy steps and going through that as the model home financing, a home set reservation, price out purchase agreement, design, studio plan, review, building, closing and warranty. And as I, as I mentioned, this is the same easy step for Admin, new homes as well. Oklahoma City new home construction the last couple of podcasts and a segments I have talked about, a model home tour and financing. And I briefly talked about a homesite reservation. Now this one may not seem as obvious as the other ones, but this actually is one of the most important steps because to owning your admin new home. And that is because it really slows down the process.

Uh, the alternative to this could be a lot more of a rushed process and a lot of question marks because we do it this way, it slows it down and makes it easy. So for a homesite reservation, say we go on a tour with you and we toured these model homes and go through these different communities and you find out which community that you do want to build them. Oklahoma City new home construction you’re driving through and you’re like, this is that, this is the home site that I want to build my home. This is the perfect one. And uh, as you approach that and you’re like, let’s do this, how can I, what I, what do I have to do to get this? And so we already have a process for that. And that’s $1,000 as a deposit. Now, the cool thing about this is that it’s refundable for one week.

That’s seven days and we actually don’t even deposit the check. We just hold onto it for those seven days. The purpose of this is so that way you make no rushed decisions. This is where switching home is allowed. So same maybe you were down to one home site, one community, and he also liked it. Another, you have the opportunity to swap at this time. It’s not final edges reserves it at this time. Oklahoma City new home construction as I continue to explain, you’ll see the importance of this because you get to take your time, you get all your questions answered. Like I said, we don’t even cash the check, but the most important thing here is that we’re competing. We’re, um, the competing customers are blocked from the site. See, I’m only one of 11 other sales people that are all working with about 10 to 15 different people at any given time.

So it is important that if you find the home site that you want, that we reserve it because someone else could be looking at it at any given time and reserve it themselves. So if we get that thousand dollar deposit, we ride out that check and you give it to us, we can get on a real time software that we have where we can take it off and other people cannot reserve it. Oklahoma City new home construction like I said, that’s up to a week. And then at the end of the week you decided that you don’t want to do it, uh, or before the end of the week and you decided that you don’t want to do. We will give you the check back and that home site comes available to everyone else again. Uh, why I mentioned the importance of that is of course, so no one else takes that from you. It’s important that you know we can build a house a thousand times over the same exact way, but we cannot produce more land.

So if you find that piece of land that is perfect for your house to be built on that we want to make sure that we can reserve that for you. Oklahoma City new home construction that’s the option that we give. Now admin, new homes, that process will be the same exact way. And the reason why I place importance on this is because the alternative is if we didn’t have something like this, you would have to go through and there it might already be reserved and then we don’t know because no one’s communicated with it until the permits are released for it. Then we have to find out if the home’s gonna fit on there. Then you have to make all your selections and do all that before someone else does it. Before you do, we can just reserve it and then slow things way down and you can make those selections of those options within a week instead of within a day to move it all forward.

So it’s there to slow things down for you. Now the other awesome part about that is, you know, even with Edmond new homes, that thousand dollars goes towards your earnest money. This isn’t going into our pockets, this isn’t going into our fund is actually going towards your home. So that thousand dollars will go towards the earnest money, which will go into a little bit more detail on the remainder of the earnest money and the purchase agreement. So that’ll just go towards that. And like I said, we don’t deposit it, we just hold onto it and if you choose not to we can give you the check back and it’d be no problem at all if it continues to go on past that, then, Oklahoma City new home construction, you know, we’d do deposit that, check into those, what it is nonrefundable that point. And like I said, we’ll just go towards the artists money on your home.

So that is a third step and you can see the importance of that one because you know where you can build a home, but we there’s something quite like the piece of land which are going to want to build on and so our next step and another important step and add new homes is the price out and you actually get to price out your favorite plan on that home site, the downs, the way that you want to go down to the dollar and the total price on the spot with tons of options to choose from will actually meet at your favorite model. Oklahoma City new home construction it’s about a 45 minute meeting. It actually is more dependent on you on a all little over, you know, how, how long you want that to take and all the different options that there are to use with that one. Um, but it’s itemized pricing.

There is no surprises, no surprises. And you get all your questions answered. This is where if you were really trying to determine between two plans, I’m two different homicides and we can price them all out for you. You can do a comparison between all of them if it comes down to price and narrow that one down and that way you know exactly what your home is going to cost without any surprises. Oklahoma City new home construction, we’ve itemized everything. We know exactly what it’s going to cost to build every single home. So there’s no surprise for us either that way you don’t get into, you know, at the end of the home and your. And we just have an estimate like you would deal with a lot of other builders, especially custom builders. They don’t know exactly what it’s going to cost. They don’t know what it’s going to cost her, the Labor to do the job.

I don’t know exactly how, how many materials it’s going to take. Oklahoma City new home construction so they’re gonna, they’re gonna shoot high and if that stays within that realm, they’re still going to charge you for that and make the money off of it where we know exactly what it costs to build everything. In fact, so much so that since we’ve been doing it since 1985, we have the same framers since that time and we have the, a lot of the same trades and so we can add our rates, um, their rates towards us because we have the volume of it and the consistency, they’re all, well, I’m expertise people in each of those trades. And we also get the best price is because of that. You know how it is when you buy anything and, and mass volume. We’re a great volume, uh, you always get it at a better price and we buy more than anyone else does in Tulsa.

So therefore we have the best. And so for Edmond new homes that price out is right after that homesite reservation and just gives you a good idea of what your home is going to cost. What we like to do is print out two of them and give one to the wife and the husband and let them go to their respective corners and highlight the things that they, I don’t think that they need. Oklahoma City new home construction then you can do a comparison of those both line up, then you know, the, the, those are the things that you don’t need and that you can delete and it’s fun because you get to see exactly how much of it it’ll cost to build everything that she’ll want in the home so that either be, wow, that actually we, we got a lot for that, especially using the incentive or it will be like, yeah, well let’s go ahead and start believing if you things, but it’ll still be fun and you can add whatever you want because we can delete and add on as much as we need to before we get to that purchase agreement. And even then we can still make adjustments in that design studio when it comes to a color selections and whatever. Those might be a purchase agreement, uh, the structural and homesite become final, but everything else can change. So with that being said, we appreciate you joining us for another Edmond new home podcast and we’ll talk to you again on the next one. Jordan Moore 4 10-19-18

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