Oklahoma City new homes | A Few Favorites
Oklahoma City new homes | Come Take A Tour
Thank you for joining us again for another segment with shaw homes. This is Jordan. More ad the ad, a seven oaks south. I almost said village at southern trails, but I was moved two weeks ago. They’re shuffling the deck on me and I think this is actually where I’m going to be. I spent the entire last week purging this office and getting it prepared and organizing it because that’s how meticulous I am about things, but either way this home is set up and ready to go. This is actually the stone Brook v Stonebrook can be built two different ways. There’s a stone brick and stone Brook v, uh, this model in particular is the v which has five rooms upstairs. One of the neat things that I’ve just kind of put together is the Roman Numeral v means five. And that’s easy to think that there are five rooms upstairs. And so our exciting news right now is we are featuring Oklahoma City new homes.
You heard that right? We are expanding the shah homes family out of Tulsa. Uh, of course we’re still building the Greater Tulsa area, but we actually moving and expanding to Oklahoma City as well. So Oklahoma City new homes is the feature that we are focusing on. And in the last segment I talked about the path to owning a, your new home and this is the same process that, uh, our customers and salespeople will end up using over there as well. And if you missed it, I encourage you to join the last one and read the last one. And that’s just the simplicity of everything. And I talked about the brochure in the packet that we give our customers is that comes to the door after they book a model home tour. Since we give them that packet, I want to talk about what was in it and included. The only other thing I had mentioned that goes inside there is just any other plans that they seem kind of interested in.
Uh, we can add those in at the end of the tour as well. Print off a few of their favorite ones to look at. Uh, sometimes the other things that will include is our preferred realtor. And that is Sam Adams realty to save people money on their listings. So if they have a home to sell, we’ll usually put that in their forum as well. And then any other pertinent information that they’re interested in the warranty, sometimes I’d like to put that in there just to show people that we do have Tulsa’s best warranty and uh, so there’s a few things that we’ll put in there, but that’s just kind of the base information that we provide. Oklahoma City new homes, so with that being said, we kind of want to jump into the path and just really focusing on the simplicity that we provide for our customers. And even just our sales staff, once everyone knows what’s going on, they know where they’re at in the process.
It’s easy to know where they’ve, what they’ve been through. And it’s also easier to place where they’re going to be. And so that’s the awesome part. We actually have 10 easy steps to owning a Shaw Hall. The first and foremost. And what I would say it can be one of the most important is the model home to her. The reason why the model home tour, it is so important, it’s because we focus on the function behind the design Oklahoma City new homes. That is our primary focus. We just want to focus on the function behind the design of the homes floor plan. It’s easy to walk into a model home and see it beautifully decorated and furnished and disregard whether or not you like the plan because you don’t like the paint colors, Oklahoma City new homes so on the tour we want you to get of course creative ideas of the paint colors and the design and how you want yours laid out.
Because for example, you might go into one model and you won’t like the fireplace there, but you might like it and another location, so it’s important to jot that down so you have a point of reference to look back on when you are in the design studio designing your own home because you might like one plan which you might like the design of another plan and you can combine those will get people that come in are like, oh, I really liked this because I don’t like the. I don’t like the cabinet colors and we have to continually remind people you can change that. That’s the awesome part about it is you can, you can build one plant and make it look like another one. And so in the model home to her, that’s what I was saying is it’s important to focus on the function because people will come in and automatically want to start talking price and they also have start talking about the decorating and everything.
The main thing that we need to do is take you on a tour so he can get an idea of what works best for you, what’s floor plan suits you and your needs. And that range is a lot of things. That’s why we say we have versatile plans that can be built as a one or two story. Oklahoma City new homes some of the other plans, uh, can be built multiple different ways as an example that I’ve given them the past. Them and row itself can be built 15 different ways. And that’s three different ways as a first story and for other ways for each plan as a second story. So that adds up to a lot of different ways that you can build it and that ranges from someone that’s being an empty nester all the way to being multigenerational. So that’s that. That’s the awesome part about how we can build those plans.
Oklahoma City new homes will focus on these features as well. And the idea behind this is it should take roughly 90 minutes, usually can take a little longer depending on how much the customer wants to continue to learn and to continue to focus on the tour. Uh, so it’s about 90 minutes we go to and Tulsa, we go to six slash 12 fully furnished and decorated model homes, uh, as far as Oklahoma City new homes. So where our model homes will be yet, we’ll probably have a handful of you, uh, for them for you to tour, but, uh, that might not be quite as many as we continue to expand into Oklahoma City area. So the idea behind it is that you actually will drive your own vehicle. That way if any kind of emergency comes up, your free to go at any time a drive off and do whatever you need to do and so you’ll just follow the community manager out in your own vehicle.
Uh, and then we are just giving information. That’s the idea behind it is we’re just giving you information. There’s no pressure and the, there’s no pricing. So if you continue to insist that you want to know pricing by the end of the tour, I can give you a rough range of what it will be if you know which neighborhood that you’d want to build it in, but it, we actually have just a few more steps to go before we can go into numbers with you. And the reason why that’s so important. I, I know I’ve helped one, one of the customers they kept asking how much is his home the way it is? Well, the thing is, is they kept thinking I was being cryptic because I was not able to give them an exact number. The reason why, and I’ll tell you here, is that our model homes are not for sale.
When people come in, I know that’s the way some builders might do it is you’ll have someone you’ll go and you’ll fully furnished and decorated and you’ll have someone sit in there and someone will ask how much it is and then we can tell them, oh yeah, well it’s this much, do you want to buy it? And then if they do, then we’ll sell it to them. Um, but. And Shaw homes, that’s not the way it is. Our model homes are there for people to see the function of that plan. And then after the community closes, we’ll usually sell that plan. So people will often come in and ask that question. That’s not the correct question because they’ll, I need to know a handful of other things before I can give you an accurate number. The reason why is it completely arranges on what you want.
For example, in sevenoaks south itself, it can start at $239,000 and it can go up to 373. A thousand dollars. That’s a range of $134,000. That is a pretty big gap considering that price range and so the, it’s a of course is determined by me knowing, well, do you know what plan do you know if you want a one or two story, do you know if you want to build it in this community, you know which home site that you wanted on because that’s another difference there and so if I know those things then I can give you an accurate price, but Oklahoma City new homes at the home tour that’s not where we’ll talk about that. Like I said at the end of the tour, especially with even Oklahoma City new homes, we can sit down and I’ll print you off your favorite plans. I’ll let you know where the base price that plan starts at in that community or at least all the different communities that you might be interested in so you can compare and have a general idea of what it is, but we would have to know where and what plan in order to give you that accurate number has nothing to do with being cryptic at all.
The thing is, I might tell you, oh well this one’s $370,000 and your budget’s 270. We can actually probably still build this plan depending on what neighborhood in which selections that you want, and it can be a $100,000 cheaper or more affordable is what I should say. And so that’s the importance of knowing it. I don’t want to give you an inaccurate number and then tell you that and then you are like, oh, well I can’t afford that. And then when you actually can, depending on where you build it. So as long as we have the correct information, we can give you that correct pricing. But if we don’t have it, we can’t give you the correct number because we don’t know it yet. So I wanted to say thank you for joining us for another, a feature talking about Oklahoma City new homes and Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Jordan Moore 2 10-19-18
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