Oklahoma City new homes | Carpet Options
Oklahoma City new homes | Spending The evening at home
All right, so we’re doing a podcast. This is the first of a long line, I think it’s been awhile, but uh, we’re going to do Oklahoma City new homes, so I know that we left off doing, um, I don’t have no idea where we left off, but let’s go ahead and do exquisite interiors. We’re looking at a six pound carpet pad is included. You can always upgrade that to an eight pound and also you can upgrade that to an eight pound. I’m hypoallergenic, which is quite costly, but uh, apparently would be needed if you have some allergies to carpet and that seems a bit obvious, but the eight pound is a really good quality carpet, very, very soft to the touch to the foot. Now there is some carpets that we do have the uh, standard carpet is kind of a tight plush, tight woven carpet.
I’d like to call it a sadly enough apartment comp carpet, but it is good if you think later on you’re going to pull that bad boy up and um, lay down some hardwood floors. I would certainly certainly advise doing that rather than spending on nice carpet, unless you want to have nice carpet until the time you do pull up the floors, pull up the carpet. And uh, of course we are talking about Oklahoma City new homes, uh, because we need to obviously mentioned that now. Um, so that’s the carpet and we can put carpet in every single room of the house except for a few. And uh, what’s included is the entryway is going to be tiled and all the wet areas, which means the utility room that gets tiled. Uh, the bathrooms obviously get tiled. We also tell the kitchen the nook and that area, uh, where the bar is that gets tiled.
So all of those places will not get carpet, carpet will be everywhere else. Oklahoma City new homes. So we are looking at and considering the floor plan, there’s quite, actually, there is quite a bit of tile, uh, because uh, some of the kitchens are large enough where it is. Um, yeah, it’s quite sizable. Uh, so with the included carpet that’ll save folks some money. And if you don’t mind it looking like apartment comp carpet, then you might as well lay down what’s included and then you’re going to pay a couple of hundred bucks more if you get the upgrade, which is a free style, carpet, speckled carpet, a loose weave, if you will. So I’m Oklahoma City new homes. And in any event that’s a, that is the flooring. Of course we have great selection of wood look tile. The most popular is the dodge city Barnwood.
It’s a gray tile, but there’s so many variations. A, there’s some tile that actually have more browns and tans than gray. So, um, when it’s laid out, there’s so many variations. It looks quite a, it looks quite varied. And in that look of variations that looks natural, a lot of people can’t even believe it’s ceramic tile. That’s how good that tile is. Oklahoma City new homes. And we’re also looking at, uh, the Brown version, kind of the inverse where there’s more browns and tans and grades, which is dodge city smoke house. That is a really, really nice, um, tile. But it appears that when they do want more of the Brown tones than most customers go with the Amazonian cliff and Amazonian cave style, which is a subtle ones more brownish brown. The other is more grayish brown. I’m a very light light touch and it’s beautiful, beautiful shade.
Um, there’s also the, an American, although some of the real, real brownish would talk would look tile that we have. There’s a primarily three, the American, although, which is more of a Tan. I’m ray has some reddish orange reddish browns in it, uh, but it is kind of textured, like wood and uh, looks, looks just like wood planks. And then the much darker coffee brown style would be American. No Gal. Both of those are ceramic. Both of those seven by 24, uh, slates of, uh, of wood, Oklahoma City new homes And then we have a smaller plank of wood, I would say is about a seven by 20. And this one is called emblem emblem brown. So far, no one’s ever. No one selected that. But that is more um, of your gosh, a milk chocolate brands. A very subtle, very small, almost like a, almost like a maple, a milk chocolate brown, uh, with very subtle maple, like a grains.
Oklahoma City new homes show that again, a seven by 24. I’m sorry, seven by 20, I’d say I’m maybe seven by 18 perhaps. But, uh, in any event it’s a smaller, it’s a smaller plank. And then of course we have our standard got more marbling tile that we have. So, uh, I have absolutely no desire to describe them here, but I will talk about our back splash tile because after all, who doesn’t like a good set of backsplash? I’m Oklahoma City new homes show we have the travertine silver. It looks like pitted tile, ceramic tile. They are big, big blocks. Um, Ooh, this is really not very good showing. Here we go. There we go. And we have colors, uh, such as, um, wow. I really need to Redo this. Markham and Hadley, there’s a union square tiles. We also have subway tiles. We have the white kind of standard, but very, very long and skinny.
Um, we have the gray and the tans. That’s craft gray and craft fun. Respectively. We have the, kind of the, a beveled choice bevel, that’s a level two I believe, and then we have kind of a marble looking subway tile called urban carerra that looks quite, um, quite fancy. Uh, I am so, not into this, but Oklahoma City new homes. Then we get into the fancy schmancy. I’m a back splash that is the Arctic white leisure, which looks like just blocks of chunks of ice, a stack stone with a lot of beautiful sparkly sparklies in it. A very popular with the ladies as is the lantern porcelain white. That also is very, very popular with the ladies. I’m a Oklahoma City new homes I believe is what I’m supposed to say. Now. There is in our collection of stain, a different stain that I haven’t seen for. It’s called Shawn Gray. Wow, that’s interesting. I don’t know if this is supposed to be. I don’t know if this is supposed to be a interesting. I’ll leave it here. Shawn Gray,
Shawn Gray than American walnut.
And then we’re looking at special walnut, special walnut. That’s new, a dark walnut and Spanish oak. Dark Walnut. Interesting. Alright. So that are. Those are those colors. I think I will. Sean. Grief Farmhouse style.
How about that?
There we go. So we have. We have them all. Yeah, we have them all represented, which is cool. Okay. Very good.
Oklahoma City new homes And that concludes this one. Chaz Inez 1 09-28-18
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