Tulsa Homebuilders | Place to be
Tulsa Homebuilders | Place to be
So if you’re looking for broken arrow, custom homes-and you haven’t really found of a home that you’re just crazy about that you’re kind of thinking, maybe I should just build and get what I want. Well, if you come to show homes, you’ve definitely come to the right place. One of the things that we pride ourselves in is our process and how easy it is to purchase a shaw home with us today and our buyers love it too. It’s just such an easy process. We have designers on staff that help you through the design selection, so you’re not just thrown and taken all over the place to make selections. You also want to make sure that everything that you want in that home you’re going to be able to do cuz. That’s something not a lot a lot. A lot of builders are going to want to do some of the changes that people want, but you know we definitely allow our buyers to do the things that they need to do in that new home to kind of make it through hers.
We try to help guide guide, our buyer. So if there’s questions or things they’re not sure about we’re able to help in that way, now, as far as the models you know, we have 13 furnish models to choose for him, that’s more than any builder I’ve ever seen. So when you go on that model that 90 minute model home tour, you’re able to see all of the models to choose from, and it just makes it so easy for you so easy for the buyer. So I would suggest you go on a shaw homes, model home tour sign up. It’s going to be 90 minutes long, you’re going to be able to see all the new things that you can choose from today in a new home you’re, also going to see the largest builder, a choice going to be able to see what makes shaw homes the biggest builder in town, and we just love it because we’re able to show you everything you would want a new home and that way, you’re not settling you’re, not settling for just whatever is out there.
So if you sign a 90-minute tour, especially if you’re looking for broken arrow custom homes-and he just want to see what’s out there from other builders, you want to check out what we have new home construction and what we have on the ground. I mean some people to be honest, they really do prefer they prefer to not build, and so we always keep 30 about 30 furnish models on the ground to choose from, and so it’s not like. You can’t do that. We’re also going to have some great selections for people who try to spread them out in the different, broken or areas, but a lot of people specifically only want broken arrow and so because, especially if you’re looking for a broken arrow custom home we’ve, we’ve got home to remove and ready for my hundred and sixty thousand two hundred fifty thousand up to 380000 and a couple that are actually 400,000. So there are just a lot of homes to choose from we’re just going to be able to show you a lot that we have to offer and if you’re looking for it, I would suggest you play. Love is a sales team just for us to show you around and show you before. You make your decision what you really have to choose from and what else is out there. A lot of people don’t even know. What’s out there to be built, and that’s just not the case, you don’t have to have a lot of money down. Financing is just as easy as buying a used. Town, there’s really no difference other than you’re. Getting to pick everything that you want in that home and to me I would rather wait and get everything that I want and not settle, and there’s a lot of people that have their home on the market that they’re selling and I didn’t even realize that we can do contingencies, and so you know there’s just a lot of things to factory in when you’re looking at a new home. But one of the things that we live.
A better 90-minute tour is your able to see everything to choose from in your budget in a brand new home. There’s just not a lot of builders today that do that. To be honest, a lot of people they’ll find a builder, but they have to settle, have to settle for whatever that builder chose to do in the home, not what they loved or what they would really want. So they kind of settled because they they just don’t know, or they don’t understand, a new home process and I we’ve made the process super easy with our buyers in mine, our sales manager, aaron and says he has taken a process and just made it so easy for our buyers. I mean they love it they’re able to actually buy a new home and not have to settle and get exactly what they want, but are not part of our process is a 90-minute tour that you take on the home and that tore is just so easy and it’s really fun and informative, especially if you’ve been looking for broken arrow, custom homes, and you just really have kind of been all over the place. You’re worn out, you really don’t even know the process would be, and you just want to find something that you know that you’ll love three homes in their life and towns. In children-and so thank everybody needs and then the third home is usually because the kids are grown. So we can refer to those clients is empty. Nesters, the kids are gone. They don’t need all this i, don’t want to pay for all this square footage that they never use.
The kids don’t live there anymore. They started their own family or maybe they’re in collagen, but they’re going that route, and so they just want to downsize. So we have homes that fit that lifestyle too. There’s nothing that a buyer couldn’t get shaw homes for whatever their desire is on a home. We’re going to make sure that you have the best selection in the best to choose from out of all of our shaw homes. So I would encourage you to do a tour sign up on shaw, homes.Com or just call me I’m, shannon cut singer worth are 11 years. I would love to show you around number is 918-740-6944. I can take you around and show you what are models? Look like today. What the fire looks like today and see what she fits you best, so broken arrow custom homes. If that’s, what you’re looking for come check out, shaw homes.Com, the builder of choice and home of the 10-year structural warranty and our warranty does. If you ever sell your home, it will carry over to the new owners, so they’ll transfer to them and that’s kind of a nice place. Cuz i, don’t know of any other filter. That does that my liberty mutual so come check us out. Shaw homes.Com and let her show you. Why were the number one builder of choice today? We would love to see you
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Tulsa: (918) 731-3280
OKC: (405) 241-5257