Home Buying Basics

Here in Home Buying Basics, this video will cover all the categories you see listed in the menu on the left side of this screen. If you want to know how to build a Shaw Home, then stay tuned to this short, but information packed video.

Have you heard that building a home can be difficult or stressful? At Shaw Homes, we feel the process is simple and stress-free. Maybe the person who told you that built a company that doesn’t have the proven process and experienced team in place to do things the Shaw Homes way. What we like to tell our customers is “We’ve done this a few thousand times, so it’s ok if you haven’t”. You aren’t out there on your own trying to figure it all out. You will have your Shaw Homes Team right there with you from contract to Design, to Drafting, to Construction, to Closing, to Warranty, we have experienced experts in place to guide you and answer the questions we already know you will have. In fact, we probably can already tell you what questions you are going to have before you have them. And if you are unsure of what the process is, let me walk you through it right now.

Step One – The Model Home Tour

Who doesn’t love to go look at beautifully decorated Model Homes? At Shaw Homes, we have more homes to tour than any other builder in the Tulsa area so we invite you to join us on what will be one of the most information packed experiences in your home shopping process, the Model Home Tour. The tour allows you to see what would take a couple weeks on your own, in just 45-60 minutes. Because time is something nobody ever has too much of these days.

Step Two – Financing

In order to help you focus in on the plans that will best fit your budget, we suggest applying for a mortgage pre-approval from one of our Preferred Lenders soon after your Model Home Tour. This free application can be done online and only takes a few minutes. When finished with your application, you should have your approval within 24 hours.


Step Three – Homesite Reservation

Now that you have selected your own-of-a-kind home, it’s time to find the one-of-a-kind piece of land to place it on… the Homesite. Not every home fits on every homesite, so now that we know the plan, we will show you what homesites your plan fits on. Once you select your homesite, it’s time to do a 7-day refundable deposit called a Homesite Reservation. This will take your favorite one off the market for the next 7 days, then we will go over any other remaining questions you have before moving forward to purchase agreement. Homesite Reservations are important because we can always duplicate the home but we can never duplicate the land.


Step Four – Priceout

Now that your homesite is reserved we will meet back at the model home and review the features that are available to you for that plan and create a price quote for you. These options will be printed out for you so that you can look at each line item separately and decide if you want it. This is all done in an effort to get you the information you need about pricing so you can make an informed decision.


Step Five – Purchase Agreement

At any time during the Homesite Reservation period, you can move forward with the purchase agreement. At the time of purchase, we will apply the funds from your Homesite Reservation and an additional deposit towards your purchase. At the time of purchase agreement, all decisions for the home need to be finalized.


Step Six – Pre-Construction

After you sign your Purchase Agreement there are a lot of things that will happen behind the scenes to make the magic happen. Your Purchase Agreement will go to our main office where it will be ratified and checked for errors. We will apply for Building Permits, Construction loan and begin drawing your architectural plans to get ready for construction to begin.


Step Seven – Building

Now it’s time to break ground and get the fun started. You will receive a phone call from your Construction Manager so he can introduce himself to you. He will stay in contact with you throughout the process with weekly progress updates via email.


Step Eight – Closing

We will notify you of your closing date approximately 30 days prior to your closing by emailing you a Closing Letter with helpful information and instructions. This letter will have contact information for the different utility companies you will need to contact in order to get service turned on in your name. You will have your closing at the Title Company office and all paperwork from Shaw Homes will already be there when you arrive at your closing. An agent of the title company will walk you through the paperwork and give you the keys when all the signatures are completed.


Step Nine – Warranty

Once your closing has occurred you will begin your warranty period and have direct access via phone or email to our warranty department. In your Homeowner’s Manual there are emergency phone numbers if you need answers or help during non-business hours. If you don’t contact us for any needs, then you will be contacted by our Warranty Coordinator at 60 days and again at 11 months after closing to see if you have any needs.

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